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Ron Paul: Where Does Bernanke Get The Authority To Print Money Out Of Thin Air

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Barack Obama's man made gasoline price predicament :

Open ANWAR for drilling and to produce our own oil instead of buying it from foreign countries at inflated costs while keeping the speculators at bay and to keep our money right here in America

Add up items #1 thru #8, putting the most emphasis on #8 and you will have the cost of America's gasoline costs:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlfmvwxxgHM

2. http://therealrevo.com/blog/?p=44337

3. The President of the U.S. is now giving $2.84 Billion taxpayers dollars to Columbia to build an oil refinery. I thought we needed jobs here in the U.S.? This President is a complete loser and it now shows he hates America.
U.S. Gov't Agency Plans $2.84 Billion Loan for Oil RefineryIn Colombia

4. http://wizbangblog.com/content/2011/03/11/enough-oil-to-completely-replace-all-imports.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Wizbang+%28Wizbang%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo

5. http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/35840

6. As Your Gas Climbs To $5 a Gallon Obama's EPA Blocks Access To 27 Billion Barrels Of American Oil - http://www.americans-working-together.com/together_we_can/id36.html

7. Is Saudi Arabia mad at Barack Obama for allowing Egypt to fall? http://grendelreport.posterous.com/saudi-slashes-oil-output-pres-obama-launches

8. The problem that contributes the MOST to high gas prices is Quantitative Easing (QE2) by the Obama administration and here is why: http://www.futuresmag.com/News/2010/11/Pages/Oil-after-QE2.aspx

Printing more money tends to push down the value of the dollar. While that would tend to help U.S. exports, it also risks pushing up the price of oil and other commodities, threatening an inflation surge that could be difficult to stop if the economy picks up.

9. After reading and watching all of the above information provided, there is still one question that needs to be asked and hopefully YOU have the right answer for the 2012 election. How is this "Hope & Change" thing working out for Americans of all parties now? http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/2011/04/hope-change-2.html
Apr 26, 2011 at 9:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterTaterSalad
Well, technically, Bernanke got that authority from Congress, when Congress ceded all power to create money itself with the death of the Greenback.

You could say the Founding Fathers ceded the authority way back when they failed to implement a democratic money system, got rid of the Continental Scrip system and passed the Consitution without any popular oversight.

We don't need some 'free-market' B.S., like the U.S. had right before 1913, we need to go back to where the government creates and can issue loans directly for its own purposes, like Pennsylvania did thanks to Franklin before the Revolution or Lincoln did with Greenbacks.

And how about some real democracy - national referendums, no more of this "representation" SCAM.
Apr 27, 2011 at 8:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterBenjamin
The crime isn't printing the money, the crime is rewarding the FED with Treasury Bills for printing OUR money.

Who is the real owner of the money after it is printed ?

We The People !

Then why do we need to exchange Treasury bills ?
Apr 28, 2011 at 2:50 AM | Unregistered Commentermohawk
Who is the real owner of the money after it is printed ?
Jun 2, 2011 at 11:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterrunescape gold

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