Sarah Palin Is A National Embarrassment And A Bailout Socialist (CBS Couric Interview)
(Just a is below)
I'm pretty sure her answer is in English, though it's difficult to know for sure without a translation of her tweets by William Shatner on Conan's Tonight Show.
Seriously for a moment, Sarah Palin is an acute, national embarrassment, like a troublesome rash that won't respond to treatment. This interview was conducted on September 24th of 2008, at the apex of the financial crisis, a time when we needed intelligence and insight from our leaders. If Palin proves anything at all in this clip, it's that we really need to have a requisite IQ minimum for politicians.
Any remaining supporters of Caribou Barbie, please take an honest look and listen to Palin's response. She's so dense she makes George Bush sound like a Rhodes Scholar. I would honestly rate her intelligence about equal to that of Bernanke's replacement from Happy Hour In Santa Cruz. She remembers the talking points, but has no idea what they mean. May the heavens protect the United States if she ever gains national office.
And one last thing, Palin shows quickly that she's a bailout Socialist, no different than Bush, Obama and McCain. It's quite obvious she doesn't even have the most basic understanding of finance, or any of the other concepts she attempts to discuss.
U.S. voters should be enraged at McCain for allowing such an imbecile to get so close to the White House. Have we no shame, have we no more decency?
And if one more person says she's cute and spunky, I'm going to grab an IED and blow up your brain.
Here's the clip:
Video: Sarah Palin & Katie Couric discuss the bailouts -- Sep. 2008
Couric: Why isn't it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? Allow them to spend more, and put more money into the economy, instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?
Palin: That's why I say I, like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in. Where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Um, helping, oh, it's got to be about job creation, too. Shoring up our economy, and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions, and tax relief for Americans, and trade -- we have got to see trade as opportunity, not as, uh, competitive, um, scary thing, but one in five jobs created in the trade sector today. We've got to look at that as more opportunity. All of those things under the umbrella of job creation.
Reader Comments (167)
Very interesting history lesson. The video. I watched about 20 minutes,and i will watch the rest when i have time.
Teddy being dead ,does not invalidate my point . The people are either,foolish,or not looking, when they elect their leaders.
And the definition of "DUMB" has been sorely abused.
And lastly ,i am no "cheerleader" for Sarah Palin, unless the truth is cheerleading to you,than i am guilty..She has been mocked , scorned,and ridiculed ,unfairly ,and i am setting the people straight.
National embarassment ,like hell. Whoever put up this whole thread is a jackass,and a no good son of a bitch.. I know he will dismiss me out of hand,but i am banking on a few who might be interested in the truth, of what "dumb" really is,as i have shown you.
Very interesting history lesson. The video. I watched about 20 minutes,and i will watch the rest when i have time.
Teddy being dead ,does not invalidate my point . The people are either,foolish,or not looking, when they elect their leaders.
And the definition of "DUMB" has been sorely abused.
And lastly ,i am no "cheerleader" for Sarah Palin, unless the truth is cheerleading to you,than i am guilty..She has been mocked , scorned,and ridiculed ,unfairly ,and i am setting the people straight.
National embarassment ,like hell. Whoever put up this whole thread is a jackass,and a no good son of a bitch.. I know he will dismiss me out of hand,but i am banking on a few who might be interested in the truth, of what "dumb" really is,as i have shown you.
I expect Ohio will be pulling out of the mortgage fraud battle.
We are never given the most qualified candidates to elect, just those from each party willing to play ball with the moneyed priests.
And I hate NRA F ratings, one of those will prevent me from ever considering a candidate, but herd animals love them in both parties.
All politicians are national embarassments rock, otherwise the states would not be in varying degrees of broke, the legal system would not be blind, S.S. would not be broke, the Federal government would not be broke, State pensions would not be broke, foreigners would not control our debt, and we would not have a fiat currency system that no one in the world no longer trusts. There is a whole lot more that I could add here but I will not for the sake of time. Our nation did not get this screwed up in two years, it has taken generations of debauchery by many, many, hands from both parties.
As you dismissed above with my facts about Alaska, they could not exist without the Federal subsidies or oil taxes. Over the opposition of oil companies, Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska's Legislature in 2007 approved a major increase in taxes on the oil industry, a step that generated stunning new wealth for the state as oil prices soared.
The industry, however, warns new taxes are already discouraging future exploration and development in newer, more expensive projects needed to boost waning production in Alaska's oil patches. From the investor standpoint, Alaska has become a less attractive place to invest exploration and production dollars.
Alaska is also struggling with a sick pension fund with a deficit of $8.5 billion.
I am not a fan of tax and spend, or borrow and spend (which will always increases taxes higher in the future thanks to compounding interest) politicians, which is stifling the creative juices of this nation.
Bring on the clowns!!!
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, S 510 just recently passed the Senate with a proud showing of Reps and Dems proving to be the chosen lackeys of agribusiness in the control of what you choose to eat, and the ability to take away even your ability to grow a single tomato plant for your personal consumption. This is the most dangerous bill for food soveriegnity in our lifetime and can potentially outlaw millions of gardeners, beekeepers, hunters, independent meat producers, and spell the destruction/ extinction of many heritage breeds of animals.
Only Congress can stand in the way now, who do you think they will listen to, millions of Americans, or a few contributors that it will benefit.
Passage is only a few checks away, and yet again, both parties will be involved.
And the Dems will blame the Reps, and the Reps will blame the Dems, and the contributors will merrily head to the bank while yet again, America loses and the herds stand by their man, or woman as the case may be.
It is always the same old song and dance whether it is banksters or anything else.
No,Obama , did not start this mess,but this man is an abomination to this country, 1000 x. He is open in his treachery. I can't think of one thing this guy has done to advance anybody but himself.......and his special interests.
The politicians will never let go of the fatted calf. The people grew fat ,and lazy. Became beholden to the Govt. ,and lost their way. You want to lump the republicans in with the democrats ,and i agree ,but there can be no argument ,that all inner cities ,controlled for years ,and years by Democrats ,are in shambles . Such as the desolation of Detroit,Cleveland ,and others... The poster boys for the progressive agenda. The blacks were set free 150 some years ago,and still are not free. Still under the yoke of the progressive. When they vote enmass at 90% for Democrats,something is very wrong.
When they spew hate like they breathe against someone ,that person must be doing something they don't like. Something right.. I don't see them attacking any others. Just one. I think you know her name.
My eyes are now open,i have seen the GOP ,use Governor Palin to help win elections in 2010,and now are trying to throw her out like yesterdays garbage,as they are doing with Michele Bachmann,and the few who i believe in.
We have one party ,and it is not a pretty sight. It is a monster ,and will not obey.
I have to disagree with your feeling that the oil companies should not be taxed as they have been in Alaska.. That is the peoples oil,not Exxon Mobile ,or BP's. I frankly don'r give a damn whether they like it or not. If they chose not to explore ,there will be others to swarn in to take their place. I'm sorry ,i can't get teary eyed for the oil company. OPEC IS THE BIGGEST BAND OF CRIMINALS ON THIS EARTH.Just as with the pipeline, Sarah gave the job to the best bid, ,the people must be served ,not the oil company.
I don't believe for one minute that if given the chance ,they would not explore. They make plenty of loot. Save the crying towel for those who really need it.
People have no idea the power they hold in the marketplace ,if they stick together. Of course with the corrupt union leadership,they are always betrayed. So round ,and round it goes. I have great hope in the tea party ,but we shall see.
All i can do is implore people to stand against this soft tyranny,at every turn. Obama did not start the problem ,no, but he is damn sure right in the middle of it's progression now.
Solutions. How do you turn this around. Business is corrupt ,unions are corrupt,Govt. is corrupt. The people are corrupt. No one man or woman can change this thing overnight. Or even totally as you would like.
If a candidate came out today. and called for ending social security,Medicare, welfare,and all social programs,they would have a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected. We need to start small in rolling back the socialist state,changing what has taken a hundred years to destroy.
There is no perfect candidate. And if there were he would be crucified .
While Marxism is predominately a left agenda, though there are those who follow this path from the right as well. There is also the danger of a too far leaning right approach as well. Many confuse it as a leftism, but Fascism is traditionally from the right.
Fascism's approach is in that it seeks to activate "the people" as a whole against perceived oppressors or enemies--and elitist--in that it treats the people's will as embodied in a select group, or often one supreme leader, from whom authority proceeds downward. Fascism seeks to organize movement in a drive to seize state power. It seeks to forcibly subordinate all spheres of society to its vision of organic community, usually through a totalitarian state. Both as a movement and a regime, fascism uses mass organizations as a system of integration and control, and uses organized violence to suppress opposition, although the scale of violence varies widely.
Fascism is hostile to Marxism, Liberalism, and Conservatism, yet it borrows concepts and practices from all three. Politicians do
nothing to advance anybody but themselves and their cash paying special interests.
Corporations have become fat and beholden to the Government as well rock. Where I am from, we have been under strict Republican control for like fifty years at the local and county level, not one Democrat to blame. The factories are gone, drugs, crime, prostitution, divorce, check cashing places and lots of pawnshops paving the way to the new American dream.
The peoples oil, I must say, I have heard rhetoric like this before, but it was also incorporating the peoples food, the peoples production, and the glories of a communal life. E&D is expensive rock, if you make it to expensive, they will just continue calling OPEC nations on the phone and order more deliveries from them thereby keeping ourselves beholden to them. Minerals are owned by those who own the mineral rights rock.
I don't know why you think it is so different in Alaska rock. E&A has pretty much been non existent in the lower 48 as well for many years, they even know where the oil is in many places, but it is just to expensive to exploit with todays technology, bonus structure, and tax structures. Hell, we have closed more refineries than we have invested in new ones. We are becoming way to close with people who do not like us, and energy and food will be the shackles of that slavery.
About 2% of the state of Alaska profits are put into a fund called the Alaska Permanent Fund. A five year average of the funds earnings is made, and, each year distributed to all Alaskan that are legally entitled to receive it. The yearly dividend varies form $800 to $1700 per year. That's NOT enough to offset the expensive cost of living - not even for a family of 5. So, don't plan on moving up to Alaska to 'Cash In' on the dividend.
The dividend is only available to people who swear they intend to live in Alaska forever. You sign an agreement to this that is co-signed by two other adults. No ifs, ands, or buts. Many people come go up there for a few years - especially military - collect the dividend, then move back where they came from. And then act all shocked and surprised when the State of Alaska comes calling and takes the money back. They do not ask for it back - they take it. The State of Alaska has garnishment authority just as a court order does. Every year there is at least one story in the paper of some family of 5 that came up for 5 years then moved back - now the State of Alaska is yanking $32,000 out of their pay check.
Something else people don't know. The oil Alaska uses to make gasoline and heating fuel is also tied to the cost delivered in LA. This made sense 30 years ago when oil was cheap. Today, it means Alaskans pay the same for gasoline in LA as the people who live in LA......... in theory it should actually be less expensive at the source like most everything else in life.
This considered ....... the PFD is really nothing more than a refund for the higher cost of fuel they pay, that they really shouldn't be paying.
What people don't seem to be able to wrap their brain around - when oil is $50 barrel Shiek XYZ of Saudi Arabia and the state of Alaska earn about $25 barrel. When it hits $100 barrel the Sheik and Alaska earn $75 barrel. At $140 barrel they earn $115 barrel. Bottom line - any price over $27 barrel just lines the pocket of the people who own the ground it gets pumped out. The Federal Government owns much of Alaska.
Many people in Alaska were not putting food on the table this summer so they can save enough $$ to put aside for heating fuel this winter. Some families payed $2000 month in heating fuel last winter, where back in 2004 they only paid $300 month. Heck some Alaskan families had to take out loans and credit plans - they are still paying for last winter's heat. It will only get worse.
I have to admit though, you are the first tax and spend Tea Party-er I ever met. I am afraid they will not be the saviors rock, if Ohio is the model, the tea party just put in a Lehman Brothers Governor, and the American Banker Association AG. And if the Tea party enjoys such candidates of nefarious backgrounds and NRA F rated pasts, they will be no friend of mine. If the Tea Party follows that plan, BOA and Goldman Sachs will hold all positions in Government in 2012.
We had better candidates in Ohio, but Ohio has spoken.
You are right though, we need to start small in rolling back the socialist state,changing what has taken a hundred years to destroy. But we also need to guard against the insidious encroachment of Fascism as well.
It is a razors edge the people must walk to guard against all encroachment on their freedoms from both the Left, as well as the Right.
For the moment though, I am standing with those who will be against the FED, U.N. agenda, taxes, and S 510. Those for ending the FED are getting pounded on rock, but I don't see much on the U.N. agenda, or S 510 that is appealing for America. As to taxes, they all lie on this subject, lower taxes here, raise them there, borrow to pay higher later, etc..
3 dollars a gallon?..really ,you think that is not a propped up price. The more we conserve ,the more they charge. It's a vicious circle.
i will not endorse the people being blackmailed ,and threatened with loss of jobs ,by these fat bastards who can't get fat enough. That includes shiek ali baba.
If you think that the oil company is going to fly out of Alaska ,because of a 2.5% increase in tax,maybe your right,i doubt it.,they have not left. They love to cry,from their golden perches. When both the state and oil company are both making profits ,i say leave it alone.ALASKA DOES PLENTY TO COURT THE OIL INDUSTRY, such as giving small, independent producers breaks on royalty payments. And the state tax bill includes a generous provision for deducting investments in new fields or other capital costs .
Different from the Obama "windfall" tax. Or the free fall of spending,and massive expansion of Govt., he intends to do,instead of paying off our debts
.How much exploration did these holy oil companies do when the tax rate was near 0..No more. Do i want them to prosper ,absolutely. As i said before ,i never got a job from a bum.
Many politicians in Alaska have been convicted and sent to jail for receiving bribes in exchange for giving these companies lower tax rates. Palin was elected on a mandate to reverse that. Some towns in Alaska are paying as much as $9 per gallon for gas, and these towns are “closing down”. Caused by the Federal governments refusal to allow Alaska to expand production. Palin had no choice but to provide relief, as a bridge, until the Federal Government allows for drilling in ANWR and OCS.
You must use common sense..Unless you want to be slung around like a rag doll,and be blackmailed by these companies.
They would threaten their own mothers for a profit. Man is a creature prone to greed,and it is always justified to them...
I AM NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH,BUT I AM ALSO NOT A FOOL..You may want the return of sweatshops ,and companies paying workers 35 cents a day,like they do in China,because if they could pay 35 cents ,they would...
Loss of factories has a lot to do also with the out of control union leadership,and their unreasonable demands. Everybody wants to be a blackmailer,like Jesse Jackson. "Corruption circles the orb ,like the sun,it is everywhere"
The oil companies are playing chicken.. Aproaching 100 dollars a barrel , should be plenty of incentive for exploration.
This mess is not black and white. We seem dammed no matter what we do.
No shit, Does the union call OPEC up to have tankers delivered to America instead of management not investing in E&D which would affect their bonus structure, or is it management in their personal quest to bonus build?
“they should be begging to do more drilling in Alaska.”
See above, the pass through cost does not affect their bonus like E&D would.
“you think that is not a propped up price”
All speculative markets are manipulated.
“i will not endorse the people being blackmailed ,and threatened with loss of jobs ,by these fat bastards who can't get fat enough. That includes shiek ali baba.”
They are not being threatened with job loss, it is happening, and has been for years.
“If you think that the oil company is going to fly out of Alaska ,because of a 2.5% increase in tax”
No, they will continue pumping till production falls to a level where it is no longer sustainable, and shut down like they have been for years. As long as they can purchase oil cheaper than they can find, tap, and refine it. Back to those bonuses again.
“How much exploration did these holy oil companies do when the tax rate was near 0..”
Pretty much none, as I keep saying, E&D reduces profits since it is an expense, thereby reducing bonuses.
“Caused by the Federal governments refusal to allow Alaska to expand production.”
Gee rock, I thought it was the peoples oil…
“Government allows for drilling in ANWR and OCS.”
The campaign contributions say this will likely not happen soon.
“You may want the return of sweatshops ,and companies paying workers 35 cents a day,like they do in China,because if they could pay 35 cents ,they would…”
I will chalk that “you” up as a newbie comment, some here would absolutely love to see what you are saying occur, historically I have shown that I am not one of them.
“Loss of factories has a lot to do also with the out of control union leadership,and their unreasonable demands.”
Union membership has dropped from about 35% (low already) after World War II, to less than 10% in the private sector today while illegal immigration has blossomed.
And the lower these numbers shrink, the more labor gets blamed for the economic situation over all these years. No one ever blames bad management, bad laws (like offshoring, or blindly allowing illegal labor to decimate the working class, blind eyes to safety, etc.), or bad fund management of the pensions.
How many years after the unions are gone do you think they will still get blamed for what everyone else does?
If unions are responsible for outsourcing, then how come the majority of companies doing it are non union?
“The oil companies are playing chicken.. Aproaching 100 dollars a barrel , should be plenty of incentive for exploration.”
E&D affects bonuses rock, so management, not unions, will continue to stay in bed with Ali Baba, and give generous campaign contributions to both parties to continue their little orgie.
100 dollars a barrel oil will just make bigger bonuses as long as they do not spend the money on E&D.
I hate taxes rock, I do not love oil companies, I see Sarah for what she is, a tax and spend Republican from a state that relies heavily taxes on Federal subsidies.
Of the 50 states, Alaska ranks No. 1 in taxes per resident and No. 1 in spending per resident. Its tax burden per resident is 2 1/2 times the national average; its spending, more than double. The trick is that Alaska's government spends money on its own citizens and taxes the rest of us to pay for it. Although Palin, like McCain, talks about liberating ourselves from dependence on foreign oil, there is no evidence that being dependent on Alaskan oil would be any more pleasant to the pocketbook.
Alaska is, in essence, an adjunct member of OPEC. It has four different taxes on oil, which produce more than 89% of the state's unrestricted revenue. On average, three-quarters of the value of a barrel of oil is taken by the state government before that oil is permitted to leave the state.
As if it couldn't support itself, Alaska also ranks No. 1, year after year, in money it sucks in from Washington. In 2005 (the most recent figures), according to the Tax Foundation, Alaska ranked 18th in federal taxes paid per resident ($5,434) but first in federal spending received per resident ($13,950). Its ratio of federal spending received to federal taxes paid ranks third among the 50 states, and in the absolute amount it receives from Washington over and above the amount it sends to Washington, Alaska ranks No. 1.
I did, but I won't mention the politicians name.
Run by men of pure greed. The Bernie Madoffs of this world. The Franklin Raines types.
Men who would suck the life out this country,and give themselves 25 million dollar bonuses ,while they do it. That's why i would never invest in any of these schemes. Strike a balance, that's what must be done. Only a fool would let big business plunder the country ,then move on to greener pastures.
You puzzle the hell out of me. If you want no taxes ,no restrictions,what the hell do you think your going to end up with. Are you blind ? I have no idea. Do you think for one minute that business would not pay a 35 cents an hour ,if they could. These men would cut your nuts off ,if it helped their bottom line. That's why wall street chose a fetcher like Obama.
Your a newbie to me, Gomper. Did you ever look at it that way. You have made plenty of ass- sumptions about me ,with no problem.
You blow a lot of hot air. But you never really come up with any solutions. Start making them,NOW!! or relegate yourself to the dustbin of history. Nobody looks well on a man who only gripes.
You always convienently skip important parts of my text.
ALASKA DOES PLENTY TO COURT THE OIL INDUSTRY, such as giving small, independent producers breaks on royalty payments. And the state tax bill includes a generous provision for deducting investments in new fields or other capital costs .
Just what the hell do you want them to do, bend over?
Further more ,the final ACES bill was modified by the Democrat legislature. They added a billon dollars to the bill.Yes ,she compromised,like a leader will do ,sometime. On the other hand ,you want the company to run roughshod ,unimpeded,as they see fit,with no compromise.
In the system we are in,i would take all i could get as Alaskans may do. If not them ,then somebody else would take it.
Until things change honestly,only a fool would write a blank check to this government. I have paid into social security all my life. Those were the rules ,and your damn right i want a return on my money.
I KNOW ALL ABOUT UNION "LEADERS" ,THEY STINK TO HIGH HEAVEN, and CEO's who get paydays in the tens of millions ,when they run their companies into the ground. Neither one is better than the other..I knew things were out of wack in the 90's ,i just didn't know who was greasing the wheels. Now i know. Here's a clue for you ,it wasn't Sarah Palin.
I told you before ,i do not like blackmailers,from any side. Maybe you didn't hear shakesphere.."corruption circles the orb ,like the sun,it is everywhere" You skipped the part i wrote about the oil industry bribing politicians,for tax breaks. A very important point,against the little angels.
In all the yapping you have done here,you have ridden the hell out of Republicans,Palin,gov. of Ohio, i know everyone your against . I know you think Obama is nothing more than a shoe shine boy..right?
You do go to great lengths to rag on the elected gov. of Ohio, and you mention that there were others more qualified .. So,let's hear about them. Give me their names so i can rip them to shreds, because all fall short of the glory of God, and i mean all.. all, Gompers..... I want some names . who are these "wonder children" that you think will save the world. I'm always lookingfor this perfect candidate that guys like you would endorse. I might even stump for the guy. Or do you think it's enough just to bitch? Your complaining and a dollar won't get me acup of coffee.
Your right ,i don't know much about you. I know you think your wife never goes to the grocery store. I find that hard to believe. She makes her own coffee does she,or tea? Or do you just drink water?
And you have sugar cane growing in your yard? you make soap,do you,and grow and grind your own flour? If you are totally self sufficent ,i salute you.
Relax ,what the hell are you worried about ,all is good
As a new governor in 2007, Mrs. Palin stepped in to address the fiscal crisis and restore accountability. Working with Democrats and Republicans alike, she chose a 25% profits tax. But in lean years the state reverts to a 10% gross revenue tax on legacy fields that do not require massive continuing inputs of new capital.
Relative to the old system, Mrs. Palin's plan -- called "Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share" (ACES) -- improves incentives for developing new resources. It ensures the state does well in boom times -- as it is doing now -- when oil prices are high. But it also hedges against low prices in the future by ensuring that oil companies exposed to commodity price swings don't face a crushing tax burden when commodity prices fall.
Her plan includes an escalator clause that gives the state a larger share of revenues when oil prices rise. This is common to production-sharing agreements all over the world.
I never said no taxes or restrictions, I said I am not a fan of taxes. A nation needs some taxes, just not multiple layers of taxes and bureaucracy used for creative finance of worthless programs. I have always stated we need not only regulation, but more importantly enforcement of the regulation. Madoff is not the only one in the financial industry worthy of sharing a cell with Bubba right now.
I used to work for a multinational rock, the figure tossed around in meetings for a global wage at that time was 11 cents an hour. They gave money to both parties to push those long term agendas as well as giving props to the WTO and other organizations of ill repute. Both parties always accepted the money gladly.
The same backers of Obama also contributed to the McCain campaign, they always support both sides. Follow the money.
“You blow a lot of hot air. But you never really come up with any solutions. Start making them,NOW!! or relegate yourself to the dustbin of history. Nobody looks well on a man who only gripes.”
I already gave you eleven solutions rock, but you can take two of them away if you want, the punch in the nose or kick to the balls, some just aren‘t manly enough to believe in justice over just-us.
Stop deregulation, and enforce regulation to the fullest extent of the law.
Stop selling natural resources to foreigners, if you want to buy wood, buy dimensional lumber, not our trees. As just one example of many that could be made on this subject.
Stop and repeal ALL trade deals that are leveraged against the interests of America.
End the FED is a real high priority item, and any politician saying they want to pay down debt is lying rock, the money has never been made to do that. Finish the video and find us candidates that will support half of all this.
“You always convienently skip important parts of my text.
ALASKA DOES PLENTY TO COURT THE OIL INDUSTRY, such as giving small, independent producers breaks on royalty payments. And the state tax bill includes a generous provision for deducting investments in new fields or other capital costs .
Just what the hell do you want them to do, bend over?”
What good are those breaks when they can not gain access to the areas to develop.
“you want the company to run roughshod ,unimpeded,as they see fit,with no compromise.”
No, I do want regulation, so risk of ponzi schemes, BP disasters, etc. can be greatly reduced. Everybody else wants more deregulation in business and politics, hmm, what a coincidence.
“Until things change honestly,only a fool would write a blank check to this government. “
When I made the statement about Sagebrush and the blank check, I was referring to him being a veteran, not that he actually wrote a check.
“You skipped the part i wrote about the oil industry bribing politicians,for tax breaks. A very important point,against the little angels.”
No, I referred to it as what they like to call it, campaign contributions, and to the contributors, always go the spoils.
“You do go to great lengths to rag on the elected gov. of Ohio, and you mention that there were others more qualified .. So,let's hear about them. Give me their names so i can rip them to shreds, because all fall short of the glory of God, and i mean all.. all, Gompers..... “
Except Sarah you mean. Pick any of the other four candidates for Ohio Governor rock, throw out NRA F’s, banker who proudly worked for their masters and defrauded 480 million from Ohio pensions, and work from there. None of them were perfect rock, obviously only Sarah achieves that goal for you. But I would rather vote for Sean Swain before I would the NRA F rated banker. Thank God there were other candidates so I did not have to.
I also said Ohio has spoken.
.” I know you think your wife never goes to the grocery store. I find that hard to believe. She makes her own coffee does she,or tea? Or do you just drink water?
And you have sugar cane growing in your yard? you make soap,do you,and grow and grind your own flour? If you are totally self sufficent ,i salute you.
Relax ,what the hell are you worried about ,all is good”
I think I said we hardly ever go to the store, right now we are 80 to 85 percent self sufficient, we go to the store 6 or 8 times a year to buy staples, salt, beer ( I am going to be working on this after I get off of my non drinking siesta), butter, cheese, crackers, pasta, pepsi, soap, etc.. Neither of us drink coffee or tea.
As an example, Christmas dinner consisted of a fresh Canadian Goose, 2 Mallards, Prime Rib straight off the cow, green bean casserole, corn, mashed potatoes and pecan pie, probably 90 % of this meal did not come from the store. Flour and cornmeal I have ground by a Amish farmer and pick it up in 50 pound sacks. We also grow our own herbs.
I am working on the cheese and butter thing as well, just looking for some co conspirators since at the moment I have no dairy animals, that to may eventually change.
We raise/ hunt most of our meat and eggs, my wife is a very effective hunter with bow, shotgun or muzzle loader.
I do not know why you find this so amazing, we both grew up on farms. I guess you think farmers eat stuff in tin cans full of chemicals like the rest of you? Our canned stuff is in Mason jars with no preservatives other than canning salt.
I am relaxed rock, I will be fine, it is the rest of you who are so dependent that I worry about. Besides you’re the one screaming with all the capital letters. Get out of debt, start relying on yourself instead of the store, or you will be truly screwed in the end.
In case you haven't figured it out, I live in the country, not in a town.
“Your complaining and a dollar won't get me acup of coffee.”
I am not complaining rock, I am enjoying the ride. Maybe you should quit the coffee, I suspect you are over caffeinated.
There is a method to the madness, and we live in dangerous times...
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.......
Cicero, 42 B.C.E.
Cicero, 42 B.C.E. ")
The government is full of these traitorous people that the fools in this country keep electing. I think the last three Presidential Elections have settled the question about national survival. We are never going to have candidates for government who will represent the country and the american majority. They work for the elite's, period. The traitors control the electoral process to make sure that never changes.
If you want a decent job in ten years you will need to speak Chinese as they will own the USA lock stock and barrel.
Correct Sagebrush, they start weeding out those they cannot control in the primaries. As soon as they suspect you are not a team player, the contributions start drying up and your campaign thus loses steam.
"In all the yapping you have done here,you have ridden the hell out of Republicans,Palin,gov. of Ohio"
Dems get their lumps to rock, remember I said no one here trusts Barney, and no one likes Obamacare. That includes me.
"I have paid into social security all my life. Those were the rules ,and your damn right i want a return on my money."
Tell me why you should get your Socialized Security yet Ohioans should be defrauded their retirements by the great Lehman Brothers and not even receive their "pound of flesh", they paid into their retirements as well, and do not get Socialized Security.
It is funny how many will call for the destruction of other peoples savings, retirements, homes, etc., as long as they perceive no one will ever touch theirs.
And reward the plunderers in the process...
"In the system we are in,i would take all i could get as Alaskans may do. If not them ,then somebody else would take it."
I am not into handouts personally rock, all I want out of my government is to be left alone and live my life as I see fit. But that is to much to ask in America these days. By the way, we heat with wood also, I really do not like helping poor Ali Babba more than I have to.
Tell me every crime commited personally against you by a union leader, they must be great and heinous since you used capital letters there verses the following sentence about CEO's running their companies into the ground. The beauty is you do not realize the exact price of the white collar crimes and ponzi schemes that will be passed on to your children and grand children.
No one does, they already speak of QE2, and QE3.
Imagine if America was just being discovered today as the new world by people that live like today. Everyone getting off the boat, looking for the grocery store, the ATM, the Social services office, etc..
How long do you think they would last in the hostile wilderness?
I think you see the present times through very clear eyes.
"How long do you think they would last in the hostile wilderness?"
I reckon the North American Aboriginal Natives would cook and eat the fat ones and turn the skinny ones into slaves and work them to death.
The last part is more or less what the special interests are doing to the middle class with very few objections from the majority of the middle class. The American Majority has become a herd of apathetic sheeple. Ready to be shorn and butchered.
Wendigos were the embodiments of gluttony, greed, and excess; never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they were constantly searching for new victims. In some traditions, humans who became overpowered by greed could turn into Wendigos.
As I have stated before, the Indians, when faced with the expansion across the mountains from the original colonies, found a unique method of gratification/ stimulus in the river traffic coming down the Ohio river. They would capture a boat, rape the women, kill all the men who would fight them, and return to their villages with the plunder, and captives who were afraid to fight. Then the Indians would take the captives back to the river and have them call out to other boats, claiming their boat sank, or that they were survivors of an Indian attack. When the boat would attempt to pick them up, the Indians would attack, and then the process would be repeated. At first the captives would feel bad about their part in this, but as their food, given to them by their captors, became better with each “success”, as well as their treatment by their “captors” improved, sometimes they would even let these captives rape some of the other captives before they killed them. They began to accept their lot as “the cost of doing business”, and staying alive.
Some things never change...
Every dime Americans spend allowing someone else to "take care" of them (heat, food, etc.), weakens the very fabric of society. Though most will never achieve full independence, each and every small victory pulls a little more control away from the elitists. Food, water, fiat, etc. have always been used as a means to control the masses. We should all seek to deny the control mechanisms.
Yea, and use the fat to light the oil lamps. Everything is used like the esqumoes and indians did. Nothing gos to waste. The Dem. just need more salt & garlic to take the "Stench" away. The Rep. need to have a crap load of Onions added to smother the "Bull-Shit".........
The oil Co. Ex's, its OK to feed them to the hogs. Hogs are the only thing that will eat a Oil Rep. They tend to make ya shit "Tar Balls"...!
Washington, and everything about Washington, needs to go. Its whAre the stuff we Flush down the toilet gos. Its sad, we hate our goverment this bad and cant do a thing about it.
You guys have a hot thread going here................? To bad the goverment ass holes aint takin notes. They could learn a thing-or-two.
O.K ...I GET YOUR POSITION. We could haggle for years.
BUT ,if you can't see the difference between Sarah Palin,and Barack Hussein Obama,i cannot help you.
A couple of last points:
All fall short ,including Sarah ,but there is no one man who is perfect. If he was he would already be crucfied. I think i already said that.
LUMPING Sarah in with Obama ,just ensures that the little rat has a better chance of getting re-elected. He has used up all ,his good will with me. Trouble is that people seem to have a short memory, and that is the real danger. For this man is nowhere near close to the end of his agenda of turmoil, and destruction. Behind closed doors.
LOL,again with the assumptions, i don't drink coffee. I just have never liked piling on, i have always stood against injustice,and i sometime have no patience for evil men... Like those who would put up a headline like the one on this video.
If you want to equate Sarah,with these freaks, and radicals, like Obama ,i can't stop you,but your playing right into their hands. Think about it !
Nice chatting with you.
By the way,i have shot my share of protein ,and speared my share of fish,my family were lumberjacks,i have lived in the country ,and the city ,
and both have highlights, and drawbacks. .
Remember this Gompers ...we are all like individual stones, and not at all molded the same, like bricks ,as NIMROD-HUNTER OF MEN, would have you believe we are, and want you to be.
African American/ Caucasian, boy/ girl, Democrat/ Republican.
Now for the similarities;
Both will need to raise massive amounts of money from the same people to gain the prize.
Both will need their respective party approval to make the ballot, both parties are controlled by the same people above as the bankers manifesto dictates.
"LUMPING Sarah in with Obama ,just ensures that the little rat has a better chance of getting re-elected. "
The only way that will happen is if the Republicans run a total clod against him like they did last time. And that is only because people are still clueless about how the fake two party system really works.
"Trouble is that people seem to have a short memory, and that is the real danger. "
When it comes to money, they have a long memory. Obama may have become President because many who lost their ass in the S&L scandal back in the late 80's and early 90's are still alive and still remembered McCains involvement with the Keating 5. Both parties were involved in that also. Funny a bank scandal was going on at the time of this Presidential election as well...
Many do not like losing their ass and watching the bad guys skate.
"For this man is nowhere near close to the end of his agenda of turmoil, and destruction. Behind closed doors."
Both sides are on that agenda rock, just from different angles. You showed concern for Socialized Security, how does it make you feel that your next Speaker of the House wants to raise the retirement age to 70. If a Union or Corporation raids a pension, they will be prosecuted for it. Your government does that (both parties) every day with impunity.
Lumberjacking would be a bitch at 70. Rest assured though that Congressional retirement ages will not be going up, although that job would be far easier at 70.
"Like those who would put up a headline like the one on this video."
Steve has a good site, it is just not a Republican or Democrat cheer leading site. It is a anti bailout, national debt, & deficit site.
We are not stones rock, mankind has always been clay, constantly being molded and shaped into the perfect slave for a brutal fake debt based currency system.
Gobie (Lang Syne), would just like to turn it into a spammy birther site.
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
@ T Dar,
Shitting tar balls, that is funny...
But we both know that won't happen, because the Republicans will continue to vote for Republicans, and the Democrats will continue to vote for Democrats, and the fraud perpetrators will gleefully continue funding both sides to protect their crimes.
I have stated before that all politicians should have to wear their corporate sponsorships openly like NASCAR drivers do, that way the blind masses can see who the real owners are.
"We cover all stories related to the institutionally dysfunctional, painfully inept and completely counter-productive taxpayer bailout of failed people, ideas, businesses, pensions, municipalities, states and ultimately, we fear, of our federal government.
Tell your friends about our site and what's going on in Washington. Help us spread the word about the immoral transfer of debt from failed, private banks directly onto the backs of your children. And to young people directly, seriously wake the f up, and realize that it's mostly your cash that's headed out the door.
Jul 14, 2009 at 12:23 PM | DailyBail"
Just a few examples of the long term fraud that has been pillaging pensions, 401k's, , annuities, private investments, etc., for years, yet no real reforms, only greater calls for deregulation to make perpetrating crimes against the people easier;
Keep blaming the Unions rock in big capital letters, while you blindly follow those who are taking the money of the ones you use little letters to "denounce".
I don't need help rock, that is the point of all this. Even with my personal pension destroyed by the fraud as in gone rock, not just suffering, I don't need your, or any help from the great and good, supremely "benevolent", Goobermint.
I just would like the Goobermint to stay out of the lives of its people and give them the chance to thrive, they have already tried the other way, and look how it turned out.
i do not hate unions.. I think the leadership stinks on ice. THE LEADERSHIP,got it?
And you will never convince me different ,i know these bastards. I know how they operate.
Get this through your skull,i am no fan of corporations either. I am the middle class, whats left of it.
We pay for it all ,eventually.
"LUMPING Sarah in with Obama ,just ensures that the little rat has a better chance of getting re-elected.
The only way that will happen is if the Republicans run a total clod against him like they did last time. And that is only because people are still clueless about how the fake two party system really works.
This statement above is the most foolish statement i have read by you. The republicans can't get out of their own way. Who the hell are you kidding!!
You don't think Obama can win ,think again..You are helping him out ,maybe he should send you a thank you note.Think real hard. While you bloviate all over the place about the corruption of history, this man will make history ,obsolete. His adorable wife said that very thing . And these people will reprogram your children,if they haven't already. They know all about the deception they are involved in.
"no cupcakes for your birthday party" ,sorry honey. Have a carrot ! But carrots turn into sugar also. Doesn't matter ,just do as your told.
. And no one is in his way. Especially you ,who is to busy trying to condem everybody who looks cross eyed . As i said ,if you can't see the difference between a fine American woman who is proud of her country ,and a community organizer ,who boasts about his ties to radicals ,Marxist professors,the cool people ,as he calls them in his book,and thugs,like are of no use to us. You remind me of the guy who plays the fiddle ,while he watches the house burn down.
Lastly ,we are "Rocks" ,people ,don't let anybody tell you different. We come in many different shapes ,and sizes. We are not made like bricks ,or made to be molded, like clay.. . Question the bastards who feed you their version of life. The newspapers ,the television, esp. the internet. (which is now being sniffed around,by our fearless leader)..Question those who use mock,and ridicule to destroy a good man ,or woman's name.
If you can stand the truth, read all you can by David Horowitz, he walked with these 60's commie pigs. He has insight into what they really are. Half of the bee hive Obama nests in.
QUESTION BOLDLY. More often than not the real truth is not the story you have been told.
There is a huge difference between Sarah Louise Heath Palin, and this president who told you what he was about to do,plainly ,and clearly. Transforming America, social justice, cradle to grave authority over you....You still voted for him...You made a big mistake ,this man has only one thing on his mind . That's making this country into a banana republic. While he ,and his friends profit off it.
If i was Sarah ,i would tell this country to "go to hell",after the way she has been treated. But that would be giving up,and she is not wired to give up on this country ,as i am not. I am convinced that when the people know the whole truth,they will do the right thing,as Jefferson said. But do not believe a single word i say ,find out for yourself.
This wonderful ,beautiful ,experiment, called freedom. Far from the reaches of kingdoms ,and popes..A beautiful CONSTITUTION of negative rights ,so the Govt. cannot ,and must not ,overstep their bounds,is being rendered useless.The first of it's kind ,ever, in this world. And likely not to be seen again,if we let it fall to this progressive power grab,that has always ended in slaughter ,and destruction, as Rudyard Kipling told us.
I recall Soviet leader Kruschev ,said at one time ,when asked about the expansion of communism ,if it could ever take root in America..he replied that one day we would all wake up ,and not recognize this country, and they would not have to fire a shot.
It is here,it is now.
I will leave you with this:
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
That is why I stated;
The only way that will happen is if the Republicans run a total clod against him like they did last time. And that is only because people are still clueless about how the fake two party system really works.
Only THEY can fuck it up, and that will be the ONLY way Obama gets re elected.
"You remind me of the guy who plays the fiddle ,while he watches the house burn down."
No rock, I bravely fought the fire. In addition to a background in several engineering disciplines, I was also involved in emergency services and also a EMT. Usually while the rest of you are standing around gawking or running away, people like me were fighting our way through you to the emergency.
"We are not made like bricks ,or made to be molded, like clay.. ."
But they are rock, how do you think people around you are so clueless, they are either properly molded, or it is through breeding that they choose ignorance is bliss, it is a choice, seldom is it genetic.
"Transforming America, social justice, cradle to grave authority over you....You still voted for him...You made a big mistake"
Oops, you made a mistake, I voted for Bob Barr, so don't blame me for your parties incompetence. A friend of mines son died under the last Presidents cradle to grave mandate, that one was called ship a mans job (20 years) to China, and when that man gets a new job, treat his 17 year old sons brain cancer as a pre existing condition so that he has to bankrupt his self trying to save his sons life (Joey died when he was 20). I had my eye on someone from your "perfect party", but the Corporate sponsors and the "perfect party members" (i.e. molded clay) put three Liberals in the top of the Republican primaries instead.
"A beautiful CONSTITUTION of negative rights ,so the Govt. cannot ,and must not ,overstep their bounds,is being rendered useless.The first of it's kind ,ever, in this world. And likely not to be seen again,if we let it fall to this progressive power grab,that has always ended in slaughter ,and destruction,"
Are you telling me the other side is championing the Constitution? There are many instances of their abuse of Liberty as well.
"I will leave you with this:"
You forgot;
You can never borrow your way to prosperity.
Both parties, and many molded clay peoples mantra got us here under the false religion of Keynes. I live by those verses rock, including the one I added.
"sorry honey"
Why rock, I don't know what to say...
I forgot, Lang Syne (Gobie) is the one that proudly boasted that Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is the new Republican Bible, I really hate Alinsky's ilk. You got to watch Gobie, he backed the cross dressing liberal Republican candidate in the 2008 primaries.
Also, if you are a NRA F rated Republican or believer in them, they are Liberal to me as well (not saying you are rock, but many are), as they feel the ends justifies the means.
My children are grown rock, I spent the last five years "deprogramming" the oldest, which finally has worked.
Still working on the youngest.
They got taught some screwed up shit in Goobermint sponsored edgeamacation these days. Both got out of the school of misconceptions years before Obama. Now it is my grandchildren I worry about.
"Saying that Sarah Palin is a "national embarassment" is right out of the mouth of "progressives",or "liberals,or whatever the hell they are calling themselves this decade. Pure ,synthesized ,bullshit."
You must remember that they still think that Obama is the smartest one in the room. They still think Katie Couric is a top notch journalist. They still think that they can be liberals in practive but not in theory.
I would just enjoy their hypocrisy or its entertainment value and not spend a lot of time trying to figure out how their brains process information. If you get the itch, just remember that although the government has failed to effectively run just about anything they take over, they still think that Obamacare will be the exception to the rule.
Since I don't think like they do, I like to see what they consider important so that I can stay many steps infront of the curve.
Again, honest debate is not their objective or something they will tolerate.
1 Refuse to accept money from financial institutions or lackeys thereof (one must first get elected to have any effect on the other points).
2 End the FED.
3 Restore a Constitutional monetary system outside of the central banking structure.
4 End lobbying and restore a Government of the people, by the people by majority rule, instead of a government of the lobbyist, for the special interest, f@cking majority rule.
5 Prosecute those responsible for the financial destruction of America.
6 Investigate all "lawmakers" who were contributory to aiding the crime of the century by repealing laws such as Glass-Steagall, etc., and uncover the money trail of special interest money desiring the same.
7 End the selling out of our national interests to foreigners.
8 Stop participation in Agenda 21 and Codex Ailimentarius.
9 Remove the U.N. from U.S. soil.
10 Stop deregulation, and enforce regulation to the fullest extent of the law to prevent fraud by showing that it does not pay, and you will not get a free pass.
11 Stop selling natural resources to foreigners, if you want to buy wood, buy dimensional lumber, not our trees. As just one example of many that could be made on this subject to create jobs.
12 Stop and repeal ALL unbalanced trade deals that are leveraged against the interests of America.
13 Stop encroachment on our rights.
14 End Obamacare and allow people who are forced to change jobs the right to buy insurance affordably that will cover pre existing conditions.
Give me a candidate who will do half of these things, Sarah mentions none of them. One potential candidate mentions number two, the jury is still out on what he believes for number 3.
Gobie changes his name a lot, that is one of those Liberal tricks to make people think they are a vast Army.
The only reason BHO got into the white house, is becouse way back in 1970's Henery Kissenger brought Barry to George Soros. It took 30 years to groom Barry for 2008. Reamber, he came out of "NowhAre", with not a Shread of proof of who he realy is, nor where he came from.
Everything on Barry has been made up. We will neaver know his back round. Everyone in Washington and the MSM, has been instrucked to let it lay. The Shadow Goverment is running the show now.
As for SP, aint it funney how she like ol Barry came out of "NowhAre" too.........................Who do you think is behing her and her familys name is always on the news everyday. He daughter neaver losing till the very end. The TV Show on her life in Alaska...........?
She sure dose not have that kind of money or pull. Somebody is putting up a shit load of money to keep her in our faces everyday. Same person that spent over 30 years getting Barry, BHO, ready to rule the world from Washington.
Ol George is building her up TO THINK, she will over take him....................Shes Not ! Barry Aint Goin NowhAre. George dident spend a Billion Dollars to heve his Play Boy go down in just 4 years.
In the last 6 Mo. the big Schmier-Campain to destroy her, make her the laughting fool will send a land slide over to Obama. If we the people get someone in that will save us from them, he/she will join JFK and his brother Bobby.
I've spent 3 years of my life digging into this Crap, and its all down hill from here. The "Shadow Goverment" no longer needs to hide behing the black curtian. There aint one person in Washington, no the MSM, or Judge that will go agunist George Soros.
Just a little something to think about for the next two years. & I'll bet Gobie will back me up on this one, ha "Mr. Z".................?
Sarah babbles.
LIBTARDS put down the crack pipe and the Mad magazines, finish you Cocoa puffs, then try to show US……………ANYONE
……in politics in the United States that advocated violence like Obama does.
The people attacking Sarah Palin are liars ,and skunks. Taking political advantage of a tradgedy like the one in Tuscon,
is a most evil act.They need a good horsewhipping.Every one of them.
Let's see what crap Obama has spewed in the last years,shall we.These are monsters we fight,
and if you can't see the difference between Obama
and Palin. Then you are Blind.
** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”
That only scratches the surface. Liberal pigs like Bill Mahar ,says we should not debate health care ,
the people are stupid ,Obama should just drag them
to it. Using bullseyes,not surveyors crosshairs ,to target conservatives..I could write all day long ,and never end writing down all the vitriol the "progressive" spews ,like a pig eats his slop.
Yes,we have only scratched the surface. Wake the hell up ,people.
and Palin. Then you are Blind."
Obama mentions none of the 14 points above, neither does Sarah.
And if you are looking to blast liberals, start with your party. A liberal is a liberal whether they wanted McCain, Romney, Guiliani, or Obama. No one here is looking for a re election of Obama. Again ask yourself, why did three liberals rise to the top of the Republican primaries? There were better choices in the primaries. If you were truly conservative, you would know that.
Nobody here is on the glass dick either, though I hear they have problems with that in Buffalo. I would not put myself on a ticket with a liberal either, somebody has to have standards...
never say canadian club when the bartender ask what you are having.
I kill myself.LOL
And Gomp you have mponkeys around YOUR HOUSE
The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010
The sad'est part is that the Stupid Rep. have joined the teem of Kill One an Other. At least shoot them in the head....? Both sides are just as guilty today......................! But the sad truth is that its been buissnes as usaual for the Dem. party.
I'll bet ol "George Soros" is a little Pig-in-Mud, today. His wishes are comming true just as planed. Both sides are willing to KILL Each Other, tonight. Everyone Killing Everyone. Just the way they planed it..............!
Not 2 Worry Gomps, just give them the Solid's out of the Mash, they'll do anything for a "Treat"............Plus they will do the farm work out side.
Bananas are just so Yesterday.................!
Nikko is changing his name a lot lately, what a monkey...
You must be spending to much time hunting skunks. For the rest of you who have "common sense",here are some facts. Anybody who sees no difference between Palin and Obama must be brain dead.
Don't bother answering Gompers ,i'd rather watch paint dry than talk crap with you. I haven't time for your nonsense.
The looney leftist bastards are using
a tradgedy for political gain. An act that needs a good horsewhipping. i am astonished at how far this putrid
media will go, for Barack Obama.
This shooter has had a beef against The congress woman since 2007 ,long before Palin came on the scene.
This media ,this story ,should open your eyes to the disgrace these people are.
1)in 2004 ,the democrat party used bullseyes to target opponents. Nobody peeped.
2)A movie about the assassination of george Bush,Nobody peeped.
3)2 days before the shooting ,Daily Kos blog quote.."My congresswoman voted against Nancy Pelosi,and she is dead to me? Now ,they rail like madmen.
4Krugman(new york times) Lieberman should be hung in effigy. couple years ago.
5)SarahPalin hung in effigy in California 2008 (holloween). It's just fine with every liberal. Not a peep.
6)when Cheny had heart problems ,many on the left wished him to die,in print
7)Fort hood shooter. Be careful don't jump to conclusions. wouldn't want to make a mistake in blaming muslims. USE CAUTION!!
8)John Hinckley used Jodie Foster as an excuse as to why he shot Reagan. Shall we blame her?
9)Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton operative..."Administartion needs another crisis ,like Okl. city bombing ,so Obama can connect with the people like Clinton did." THIS IS A SICK BUNCH OF PEOPLE.
10)Yahoo news, the first day ,linked Palin's name to the aricle about the shooting of these poor people, WITHOUT ANY RESERVATION.
11)left tried to pin census workers death last year ,on conservatives.He commited sucide. THEY LOOKED LIKE ASSES.
12)Florida school board shooter -leftist
13)guy that flew a small plane into a building about a year ago....leftist.
I could write a thousand more.
you phony S.O.B.'s. The shooter was a communist manifesto ,and Mein Kampf ,leftist ....reader. May you rot in hell for
this political attack, while a a 9 year old girl lies dead.
Sarah Palin owes the freaks nothing.
For the honest ,caring people ,you need to shun these political haymakers ,and
the kind of articles they write.
Is this your America?
My God. wake up to this menace that has infected this country!!! And it all starts with Obama, the great divider.
Gompers. Save your babbling ,i'm not interested.
the other candidates on the ballot;
The Constitution Party nominated writer, pastor, and conservative talk show host Chuck Baldwin for President, and attorney Darrell Castle of Tennessee for Vice President. While campaigning, Baldwin voiced his opposition to the Iraq war, the Sixteenth Amendment, Roe v. Wade, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve.
The Green Party nominated former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia for President, and political activist Rosa Clemente from New York for Vice President. McKinney campaigned on a platform that supported single-payer universal health care, the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, reparations for African Americans, and the creation of a Department of Peace.
The Libertarian Party nominated former Republican Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia for President, and his former rival for the Libertarian nomination Wayne Allyn Root of Nevada, for Vice President. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barr advocated a reworking or abolishment of the income tax and opposed the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act.
The Socialist Party USA nominated Brian Moore for president during their 2007 national convention.
It was a tough choice between Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr, but Brian Moore was a no go because I just plain can't stand Socialists, and there was even less appeal for Cynthia McKinney as you can see by her platform.
However, on behalf of millions of Americans who lost out on the S&L scandal, and the millions of more who are losing everything while your TARPinistas revel in the glory of the taxpayers pockets for yet again another generational rape, I would like to thank you for all of your wise and educated decisions as to who should lead our country down the road to Abbadon.
Thank you for your patronage and service to the banksters.
"My God. wake up to this menace that has infected this country!!! And it all starts with Obama, the great divider."
Obama is just one more cog in the wheel rock, the "infection" was contracted in 1913.
"Gompers. Save your babbling ,i'm not interested. "
That stuff about Nikko and the monkeys was not babbling rock, you are the only one who did not know what was going on, nor were you supposed to know.
Instead of ranting about the shooting rock (and making assumptions), why don't you check this out;
"We hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office."
............................Well not Quite Gomp's !.....................................................
Everyone before Obama did the Grunt Work, by getting the Wheel-Barrel shoveled full of "Shit" ! Then BHO is put in by GS to spread the shit in our faces, stuff it down our mouths. Shove it up our Ass's......................................& here is all the proof you need as to how the Dem. & Rep. have stabed the American People in the back.........
How Congress helped created the very mental illness that resulted in the Giffords shooting
The sad part of all this is that a lot of the Rep. have joined GS in taking the American People down too.................
I don't believe ANY of the other major candidates for that office could have possibly done worse than our current Chief Executive. I hope for 2012 both parties give a lot more attention to their candidates. Obama is in way over his head. The best thing for the U-S would be for Obama to resign. Even Biden would be superior!
This place has really changed you Texas Dar.
Well, 3 years ago I was more concrned about recording my next hit song "Dam Tick" all I do is sit in the puter and dig into the goverment's buissnes, Monkey Buissnes, Dirty Buissnes, & Fuc*ing Filthy Buissnes................
I no longer feel the Happy I once did. Afraid next Mo. we will get the notice in the mail to move out, the bank is comming after us for default. Evan thoe were 2 payments ahead.
Mommy is working 60 hr. at work, and 12 at the Red-K, just to make ends work. It dident help that we spent our Life Saveings, back in 2002, 2003, 2004, on a Lyme Dr. that did nothing for me becouse im in Late Stage Lyme, he knew thAre was no help, but dident let me know that till all the money was gone.
Yea, I have changed, a lot too........................BUT, Living on the "DB", has made Dar know im not a lone either. Many Many People found them selfs in the same spot, and we did nothing wrong.
Its just how the "Dirty Goverment" planed it to work out. Just wait till the gas hits $3.95 this summer. Goverment needs to knock us down a notch or two again, and that will do it. Life will neaver be eazy ever again for the American People.
One thing im not, ashamed to admitt for the first time in 45 years, we cant just Pay-a-Bill. They now go out in order. Fame is not what its all cracked up to be, when yr on the way down the ladder..............."Fuckking Goverment",,,,,,,,they were'nt happy till none of us wasent happy.
DB always calls Dar a "Kind Sole", but that could change in the next 2 years........................! I have made a lot of friends on the Daily Bail. Most arnt rubb'ed the wrong way that my "Miss Spellin" aint worth'est-a-Fuck"..............ya's know what I mean thoe.
Hey, I cant be good at everything. But I did get stright A's in Miss Spellin....? Oh, how do you know that DB's site has changed Dar, unless you are who I know you are. Its been a wile, Ha.......! You doin Alright thAre ? You've come a long way too, ya know !
Thanks for the kind words. Texas Dar....................................P.S. Did you Google Dars Toy Story, yeat and read it.......?