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Townhall Marine David Hedrick To Washington: "You Work For Us, We Do Not Work For You!"

Follow-up interview from Hannity with the Marine Vet, David Hedrick who asserted his Rights of Man at a town hall recently.  It's another clip presented to show the growing sense of frustration with government.  The natives are paying attention and getting restless.  First thought was that Hedrick should be drafted to run against Congressman Baird.  This ex-Marine is articulate, intelligent and presentable.  He ought to use his new fame to make a run at Washington.


(Tip to James H for this clip)

Marine David Hedrick - who told Congressman Brian Baird to "stay away from my kids" - appeared on Sean Hannity's TV show to say the attended a Baird town hall because he was concerned about the government's involvement in people's lives, and that health care reform proposal is "the straw that broke the camel's back." Hedrick also says he took Baird to task on calling people like him "brown shirts".

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A comment from James that I'm reposting:

A recent town hall meeting in Warwick, RI (that's "wah-rick" NOT "wor-wick") went down like many others have, apparently. There's some really bad footage on youtube, but here's a report from a journalist who clearly thinks these people are nuts. Here's the interesting bit from our point of view:

"Boorishness and shouting have replaced respect and civility. The meetings with members of the state's Washington delegation were magnets for a grab-bag of unfocused rage, much of it aimed at issues far afield from health-care. There were folks protesting abortion, illegal immigration, the banking and auto company bailouts, socialism, President Obama and even the end of the gold standard."


Boorishness, shouting and unfocused rage: I'd call this meeting a solid success. I don't care what they're mad about -- I'm just glad they're finally getting mad.
Aug 26, 2009 at 2:10 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
So a soldier makes negative comments about government run healthcare? Does he realize how many men and women who currently serve and have served our country depend on Tricare?

Of the articulate, intelligent and presentable you say he is, I'd take back intelligent. 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Aug 26, 2009 at 12:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterKokomjolk
I am glad to see that the American people are finially waking up to what Obama and the Democratic leadership are leading America into. My question is can we ever correct the damage done by the current congressional leadership and the current president?
Aug 26, 2009 at 12:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterMichael Zeglen

I do not have opinions on the healthcare debate...i just don't know the issue well enough...I was speaking to his electability as a candidate...
Aug 26, 2009 at 1:49 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
His anger is misguided and he sure shouldn't be expressing it on insurance industry owned Fox news. We need a specific kind of campaign finance reform, the kind where we try, convict, and execute any politician or lobbyist who gives or receives bribes. Lobbying Congress = bribing Congress. I'll bring the steak sauce, let's have a BBQ.
Aug 26, 2009 at 5:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterWill
And Obama's health care plan, while not ideal, is still an improvement over what we have today. The profit motive, the thing that makes capitalism work, is entirely off focus in today's industry. Profits shouldn't be received from denying claims. Profits should be received for making the majority of your customers healthier.

Every game has to have rules, and ours have been twisted around to funnel more money to the wealthy insurance lobby. While I'm all for preaching libertarian ideals, I'd like to hear a politically pragmatic (read: DOABLE) alternative from idiots like that loud mouthed marine.

My girlfriend lost her job and can't have a medical condition checked out because she isn't insured. I'd love to be able to buy highly competitive, low cost catastrophic medical insurance with flat rates, but unfortunately the current market doesn't offer that - because it's not a free market at all right now. It's an oligopoly.

That marine needs to get his head checked. Idiot.
Aug 26, 2009 at 5:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterWill
" I'd love to be able to buy highly competitive, low cost catastrophic medical insurance with flat rates, but unfortunately the current market doesn't offer that - because it's not a free market at all right now. It's an oligopoly. "


I've been looking into this myself. I haven't dug too deep into the details, but I've found coverage with 5K deductible at around $80/month and with a 10K deductible at around $45/month. "Comprehensive" plans are way more than that. What kinds of quotes have you been given and what do you consider "competitive"? (I agree there's no free market -- I blame that for the high prices in the first place.)

But the question of catastrophic insurance is, I think, crucial to all the health care debates because "catastrophic" is actually real insurance, whereas most HMO plans are really pre-purchase programs for medical services. That's something that's (deliberately?) lost in all these debates -- the pols keep conflating insurance with "medical coverage" (i.e. paying for regular medical expenses). So much of our cost problems, as I see it, are driven by the disconnect between consumption of medical services and payment for medical services. The other problem is the cartelization of the training of doctors. There's no shortage of lawyers or MBA's LOL! The government could still regulate the quality of training, but there's no reason to limit numbers the way we do -- except to boost incomes for people in medicine. On the other hand, they themselves get squeezed by the insurance companies. Indeed, hardly anyone is happy except the insurance companies.

Anyhow, if anyone else has considered the issue of "major medical" or "catastrophic" insurance, have at it.
Aug 26, 2009 at 8:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
I will gingerly chime in here...I have carried just a catastrophic policy for the last several years, and I consider it true insurance just like Mark...normal health insurance isn't insurance per se...it's something much more bizarre...

My father is a physician...years ago, right out of undergrad, I managed the pension for the 17 docs in the group and i worked out of their biz office...I learned all about the bizarre nature of allowable charges and procedures...the insurance industry is a big problem...it's a genuine racket...

I wish we could un-tether health insurance from employment...makes no sense that they are connected...it hurts the economy as people stay in un-productive jobs in order to maintain coverage...
Aug 26, 2009 at 11:41 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
to Kokomjolk - Do your homework homes - Tricare is now run by Humana because it was totally unmanaged! LOL. I love how you liberals defeat yourselves...
Aug 27, 2009 at 11:35 AM | Unregistered Commenterstevo1000r
When the CEO of United or Cigna is brought up on charges of manslaughter for directing the murder of thousands of beneficiaries who were denied health care that they were legally entitled to by instructing claims processing managers to deny and delay claims in order to increase profits, AND when the heads of Central banks are brought up on charges of conspiracy to commit international financial fraud by coordinating the collapse of a massive speculation bubble under a systemically connected global Ponzi scheme, AND these people are indicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, THEN we will have stood the moral high ground upon which to make the changes in policy to quell the angry mob, ease the unfocused outrage and begin the process of rebuidling civilization.

In other words, NEVER.
Aug 27, 2009 at 1:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterWil Martindale
This guy's message--that he wants LESS government in everything--is perfectly valid and is the overall note that is resonating with the American people.

Loved the part where he said "Stay away from my kids"---HA!!!
Aug 27, 2009 at 5:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
Daily says...I wish we could un-tether health insurance from employment...makes no sense that they are connected...it hurts the economy as people stay in un-productive jobs in order to maintain coverage...

Well, you are in luck, Obama is working on that right now. Employers will be thrilled to dump that cost. Why is it connected, really, okay, let me help. Health insurance is called a fringe benefit for the employee and a burden to the employer. Fringe benefits are used to entice the productive employees to work for a company or stay with a company. You are on the right road, you are just going against the traffic with your understanding. Not unlike a bonus or a big fat Obama towncar or an expense account for hookers, when health insurance is added to a job or better health insurance is found by the employer while you are at a job, you, the productive motivated capitalist pig employee thinks, hmmmm, I better stay because the fringe benefits are making me happy and more willing to feed the monster to keep the good times a rolling, a healthy wife and kids at the homefront, and the hookers on their backs.

As for insurance, yes, it needs to be reformed but it has been around since, ummmm, hookers.
Aug 27, 2009 at 6:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterGobias Bluth

Do some reading...it wasn't until WW II that health insurance had anything to do with employment...

It is not productive...
Aug 27, 2009 at 6:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterDailyBail
The industrial revolution created the need for many improvements in the life of the drone.
Aug 27, 2009 at 6:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterGobias Bluth
This is serious business folks. This isn't just about health care or faux news or Obama ........ bottom line it is an ideological war on our Constitution and our FREEDOM ! ! ! (p.s. Shawn Hannity, you are on the list, no traitors will escape, including you!)

Folks, most of you are almost there........ keep going and you'll get it.

Aug 27, 2009 at 11:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterV as in...
@ James H

This is an excellent point about insurance for catastrophic events versus 'coverage' for health maintenance. It would be great to see some leaders take it up seriously.

I think the whole health insurance topic is a distraction--suddenly it's the ONE factor that will bankrupt our nation and its families, it's ruining our lives, people are dying (nevermind the wars people are dying in) etc etc.--so I don't think the overlords have a good solution as a goal. The goal is to distract us from the corruption of our monetary system (which of course you know). Look at the horrible paper cut on our pinkie! (while the carotid artery is gushing....) Well, something like that...
Aug 28, 2009 at 11:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
Very good point SNK.
Aug 30, 2009 at 12:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
it wasn't until WW II that health insurance had anything to do with employment...

Yes, look back and ask our grand parents if they had any kind of Ins. ? "NO", whats Ins. It was back in the 40-50's when someone with way to much "Nothin-2-Do" came up with the perfict plan.

I'll invent a Co. called Insurance. I will charge as much as I can get away with, to cover mans Home, Car, Boat, Airplane, Tour Bus, Health, "Girl Frends Boob Job", I will tell him that I will cover all costs if something should happen to You.

Lets face it. I have payed in for many many years to cover Everything I have, top coverage too, just in case. How many times have I need'ed it, Only a couple times in 45 years.

The times I did, they did all they could to help me out of more of my money, and cover as little as posibile, hope I spelthed that right......."Z" !

Health Ins. is the eazy'est one to take advantage of on the American People. "THEN Goverment got into the feeding frenzy and all HELL Broak out, dident it. My wife bills Medacaide, Medacare, Priviate Health Ins. at our local hospital, She can tell ya's Hoar-Storys about people getting ripped off on pourpous, or untill You Show them you Dont Owe them what they say.

Like stated above, its a dirty little trick the Now Goverment has come up with to charge you More, & Give you as little as pospable in return.

Looks like its nothing more that a money making pit for Ins. & Goverment. Its not about taking care of us, its only about taking our money.

THEN, the goverment & Ins. Co. overlooking the fraud, and how eazy it is to scam the system. ( What the Hell Do They Care, Its Our Money, as long as they get their 78% of it. ) Clean that up, and its free health care for all, just that alone could save us.

A good friend says, Its all about controling the heard, plain and simple. P.S. just think of all the money we would have if we were to have put that Ins. money in the bank, just incase something happened........? Right now I would have 85% of it still in the bank. How about you...?

Its the perfict plan to de-fraud the American People, and get away with it Scott-Free....! Oops, we woke up, and mad as Hell Now......!
Sep 14, 2010 at 3:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Lets see here.......

1. Health Ins. to take our money and promis usas little help when we need it. Jumping threw hoops 10 times before they let us off the hook for the bill we dident owe. Ann sees this every day at her office.

2. Big Pharma, to make sure we all have a Pill, Cream, Shot, Drink, to help us almost get better from something that ails us all. How many friends do you know that is suffering from something......? Get us taking Something, and keep riseing the price telling us next year you will be as good as new, wile taking every dime they can get away with.

3 Big Ins. telling us the goverment said we all need Ins. on everything we own. Covering everything untill something happens and they get out of as much coverage as they can, wile raising your rates.

4. Dr. & Hospitals, doing the best they can for us becouse "Big Goverment" got togeather with "Big Ins." and pre set the rates they are forced to charge..........$ 100. bandaide...........$100. asbirn.............$85. Big Gulp, water jug..........$22. can of soda after 8:00pm.

5. "Big Goverment"................Ah, I better leave that one alone. Its only 3:05 pm, and to early to get a drink to calm me down just thinking all they have done to the American People...............................but Agenda 21 would be a good place to start with all the Vaccines were told we need, to make sure were all ( Healthy ) ......sick with something wile Big Pharma sucks us dry of every penny we have till we die, as planed, thanks to the Eleite.

6. Property Tax, you gotta pay it or get off your land. Mine went from $2,800. up 60% in 1993 to $ 4,480, just to live in my own home. By not it should be $5,789.00, and we would be walking away from a payed off home back in 1995. My slip rent at the marina is only $1,850. and thats starting to hurt. @ $2,000. we will need to give the boat away or let the marina dispose of it for me.

7. Gas Prices, in 1973 gas was $33.3 a gallon, to $68. a gallon. In 1998 it went from $89. a gallon, to $1.69 a gallon. 2008, it went to $4.39 a gallon, and today its at $2.56-$2.89. Why, Greed, like everyone else, if they can do it to us, so can the gas Co.

8. Food, like putting MSN in just about everything to make us eat more and FAT.......? GMO Crops & drugs in our food chain. Making food worthless so we eat like hogs, and starve to death. Cloreine in water, and Netra-Sweet in just about everything. It turns to Wood Achoal, then Formildahide in our bodys.

9. Beer-Wine-Wiskie......................ah Crap, I'ed gladly pay 100% mark up on it just to keep from blowing my head off trying to get threw the day and to "Happy Hour", just to start all over again tommrow.

10. Anybody got a # 10........? Shit, I ran out of money to have anything else to bitch about. All 9 took everything we have comming in today. "Big Goverment" making little 8-9 year olds get a $139.00 permit to sell Lemon Aid to us people trying to get to the end of the day, so we can have a drink.

Not to worry thoe, BHO said he will fix everything come Nov. 10th. Tex "OuT" !
Sep 14, 2010 at 4:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Enjoyed that Texas d...thanks for the rant...nice insights...
Sep 14, 2010 at 9:47 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Enjoyed that Texas d...thanks for the rant...nice insights... Thanks DB.........

But I wasent mad or anything like that, wish'ed I was, I would feel a lot better then. It was just my view threw the window I look out of each day from the puter cell I live in.

What time is it...................."Mommy's Home"............................"Mommey's NOT Home"......................only been to the dock 4 times all year becouse of the high heat in the Ozarks this summer.

In May, we do 4 weekends alone, but not this year. Come 2 think of it, I should of been "Piss'ed Off as Hell", when I Rit that piece, shouldent I.................?

Just gos to show ya's, they beat me down and took everything from me, but they cant take my Sole, thats mine. But "Piss'ed Off Tonight I Am.

EW is not going to save us it seems. They just threw us a bone to give us HOPE....................................YuP, Im Piss'ed Now, as many of us are. Tex "OuT" !
Sep 15, 2010 at 8:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
good news on EW...they gave her the job...the interim label is just a label..it's her job...

Sep 15, 2010 at 10:43 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Prayes the Lord DB, our prayers may be answered. I'll wait to see the proof in the morning, but its a start. If its true, "Thank God".......................she is so cool, and dont take Crap from No-One....
Sep 15, 2010 at 11:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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