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UPDATE: Cheryl Mills Storms Out Of FBI Interview, Director James Comey Holds Closed-Door Session With Reporters Covering The Case


Excellent discussion of the latest developments in the case, including Bryan Pagliano, Cheryl Mills and news that FBI Director James Comey is holding a private, no-cameras-allowed meeting with reporters this afternoon to update the Clinton investigation. There is no word yet on his comments. 


New developments in the case Tuesday:

State Dept. Says They LOST All Emails From Bryan Pagliano About Hillary's Server

Cheryl Mills Walked Out Of Her Meeting With FBI Agents When They Asked Her Questions About Emails She Didn't Expect


Additional Links

ABC, CBS, NBC All Censor Latest Hillary E-Mail Bombshell

Clinton IT Staffer's Hiring Caused Confusion At State Dept




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Reader Comments (4)

we will have a crook running for president, but who cares, america is finished, and she will never ever get convicted, the FBI are so incompetant to do anything, as they say for all monkeys, the rich are above the law
May 11, 2016 at 3:54 PM | Unregistered Commenteryep
That is PUBLIC PROPERTY they are refusing to relate and DESTROYING. That is OUR PROPERTY. Those emails are OUR PROPERTY and it was a crime simply for them to destroy ONE of them.
ANY intellectual materials created on OUR time belongs to WE the PEOPLE. When that SKANK Hillary destroyed (tried to) e-mails she was destroying PUBLIC PROPERTY more valuable then if she smashed windows or spray painted walls and she should be in shackles

Government EMPLOYEES should not be allowed to plead the FIFTH or refuse to testify about Government matters. They are not PRIVATE Citizens.
Since waterboarding is not torture ..... enhanced interrogation is in order for Government Employees who try to STEAL KNOWLEDGE of Government(OUR) business.
May 11, 2016 at 4:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterwilbur
FBI's Comey: I feel 'pressure' to quickly finish Clinton email probe


Quotes from today's closed-door meeting.
May 11, 2016 at 10:07 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Still Report #705 - The Severity of Clinton's Security Breaches



"Hillary is the personification of corruption. She has collected billions in bribes through her Clinton Foundation. She is so arrogant that she had her daughter Chelsea run her operation exposing her only child to criminal charges. Hillary is unlikely to ever be jailed for her many crimes because she knows enough about Washington deals to send thousands of Republicans and Democrats to jail. President Obama will have to pardon the Clintons including Chelsea or face a lengthy jail term after he leaves office."


Memo To The Elite: Forget About Assassinating Donald Trump

Posted on February 29, 2016



"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants." - Albert Camus 1913-1960.
May 12, 2016 at 4:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterdaddy warbucks

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