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VIDEO - MASSIVE Crowd At Foley Square - Protests At #OccupyWallStreet Are Growing

Runs 30 seconds.  Check this out - This is what revolution looks like.

Short clip from last night demonstrating that Wall Street protests are gaining momentum.


More videos are below including a raised view of last night's police beatings.


Helicopter View of the Protests yesterday...


RAW VIDEO - Above view of last night's police beatings

More links are in comments below.


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Reader Comments (24)

Fox news is indeed assaulting the Occupy movement. Note how this interview goes. After the interview they kept running commenting live about no permits and about any other excuse they could come up with..

Oct 6, 2011 at 2:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Report from the Frontlines: Police Attack Protesters, 28 #OccupyWallStreet Arrests

Oct 6, 2011 at 2:58 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Obama: Occupy Wall Street protests show Americans' frustration

Oct 6, 2011 at 2:59 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
CASTLE ROCK — Prosecutors increased the assault charges against former CIA contractor Raymond Davis because the victim suffered a compression fracture on his back following an altercation over a parking spot.

Davis, who was charged Monday with second-degree assault following the brawl in the parking lot of Einstein's Bagels in Highlands Ranch, appeared in Douglas County court this morning to hear the charges against him.


I love this story. Freed from a Pakastani jail, only to be incarcerated here over a fight over a parking space.
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:00 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:02 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Anti-Wall Street Protesters March From NYC to San Francisco


Bloomberg FINALLY covers the story.
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:04 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
College Sympathizers Of Occupy Wall Street Walk Out Of Class In Support

Oct 6, 2011 at 3:04 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
US troops in Iraq after 2011 need 'immunity': Panetta

Oct 6, 2011 at 3:16 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:16 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:17 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
#OccupySUNY Anngry students nabbed the attention of top University at Albany officials today during a large student walkout that was a part of widespread college campus protests

Oct 6, 2011 at 3:22 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Occupation Of Goldman Sachs And NJ Federal Reserve Starts Today At 2PM #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyNJ

Oct 6, 2011 at 3:24 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:31 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
I love this story. Freed from a Pakastani jail, only to be incarcerated here over a fight over a parking space.
LOL Nicely put. From the sublime to the ridiculous, indeed.
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:34 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Moar from NT Chucky Pierce:


I clipped the whole thing because, well, it all need to be read.

" If there is one single thing that Barack Obama has done since becoming president that has put him on the wrong side of history, his party's base, and the lives of Americans who are struggling just to get by, it is hiring Timothy Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury. There were other people, less attached at the hip to the financial elites that caused this mess, and certainly less inclined to soften what should have been a very harsh judgment of their conduct. At the very least, the second hire at Treasury should have been some tough, ambitious U.S. Attorney to be Geithner's deputy, and his brief should have been to rain down justice on the heads of Geithner's former friends and colleagues in the financial industry. That should have been the price for giving Geithner the job, and his appointment looks even more incongruous now, the way events have accelerated.

Nevertheless, good for him that he seems to be willing to at least gently remind his friends that there are bigger issues involved here than their tender feelings.

Now that it's seriously hitting the fan in lower Manhattan — on Tuesday, when I was there, Wall Street itself looked like Checkpoint Charlie, barricaded on both sides, the street thick with roadblocks. People had to show company ID's just to cross the street. Something was coming, for sure: We're going to be hearing more about our poor, embattled banker friends and about how the anger at them is both cruel, and misplaced. Some of this will be in the guise of faux-populism, like that practiced by Colonel Blimp, Jr. here from the National Review online, an operation long noted for its sympathy towards hard-working immigrants of color. I don't know this guy's exact story; Colonel Blimp, Jr. didn't really ask. But an actual reporter might have wandered over to the east side of the park and talked to one of the five or six vendors who had set up shop there. Someone like my man Ahmed Fikry, who's been manning Sam's Falafel stand at Zuccotti Park since 1992. "People should listen to what they say," Ahmed said to me.

Still more of it will come from the kept financial press. In every major-league press box, before every baseball game, an announcement is made to the effect that, "This is a working press box." In other words, no cheering in the press box. I am continuously astounded by the extent to which this rule is soaked in kerosene and lit afire by the people who report on Wall Street. Most of them missed the whole thing when the system crashed in 2008, after spending two decades cheering the philosophy behind the creation of the economic land mines that nearly brought it down. Imagine the appeal to these people of a storyline of the Embattled Wealthy, prisoners in their own offices, just trying to be Job Creators while the unwashed hordes screech at them from below. Now that's entertainment.

And, sadly, I suspect that the rest of the media may well fall in line. They've spent years ignoring the yawning income inequality that is swallowing the middle class. (Forget the actual poor. They might as well be living on Mars.) They've spent years dodging the question of why that came about. They've spent years balancing themselves on the head of a pin rather than admit that they've helped enable the politicians that created this mess and who are today standing athwart any serious effort to solve it.

But something is shifting in the country, which makes even Geithner's strange bemusement worth noting. Before taking the Hill today, he said this:

"And they react to what is pretty modest, common-sense observations about the system as if they're deep affronts to the dignity of their profession. And I don't understand why they're so sensitive."

I suspect he's bullshitting here just a tad. He knows good and well "why they're so sensitive." He spent several frantic weeks in 2008 jawboning these same people into not letting the entire world economy slide into the abyss. He knows their greed. He knows their arrogance. He knows better than most people the Masters-of-the-Universe mentality that pervades the industry that now sees itself under assault from the lesser beings who are just trying to get by. Hell, he probably has had moments in his life where it overcame him. And he knows good and goddamn well that the flip side of that arrogance is opulent self-pity, and a well-cosseted disregard for any real sense of accountability. (The foreclosure fraud industry itself is enough to make an intemperate mind yearn for a general adoption of the ancient Japanese solution for criminal failure.) Their solution for the problem of what happened when they broke the rules is to take enough money from the rest of us so that they can break the rules again. This is because the rules are not for them. Better than most people, even better than most of the people sleeping in the park, or waking this morning in a cell with the Mace still stinging in their eyes, Timothy Geithner knows the names of the criminals and the nature of their crimes. His little talk yesterday, followed by some pretty honest talk before the House and Senate today, sounds like the first baby-steps of public self-awareness. Whether he keeps moving along that road, and whether the president he serves follows him, will be the ultimate measure of both men. Which side are you on is not a question idly answered. "

Sorry for eating up so much virtual real estate.
Oct 6, 2011 at 4:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterSomething Polish
Bravo, I hope it will last till the cancer on W Str & in DC is removed.
Oct 6, 2011 at 5:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterrade
There is a precise reason for the "omni-directional" nature of the #OWS message...they don't really understand the root cause of the their frustration. It's simply the cumulative effects of a thing called usury. I suspect that a fair number of protesters don't even know the word, but if usury were outlawed, they would see a rapid return to a metal-based currency where typical Wall Street scams can not occur. It's the funny money, Stupid.
Oct 6, 2011 at 5:10 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilboy
Aaaahh, this is good stuff. Take your country back America, it's been a long time coming
Oct 6, 2011 at 10:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterE. King
Aaaahh, this is good stuff. Take your country back America, it's been a long time coming


Well said. A long time coming.
Oct 7, 2011 at 12:38 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
You see, 3 weeks and they are starting to wake up, even the robberbarons servants walk silent by.

And all this time is a good thing, and sould be used moust efficently to educat one self or educate others.
What ever you do, doing something is better than doing nothing.
And for many this is a reality where even eatch one of us actualy can make history.
A paradigme shift.

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."
George Bernard Shaw
Oct 7, 2011 at 4:34 AM | Unregistered Commentermikael
American Winter

Rise Ye Americans!

Rise up for your liberty, your future and your children's future!

For too long now, both the US government and the US corporate and CIA controlled mainstream media have brainwashed, softened and paralysed the American people into almost total submission and ignorance.

And now the Americans have wakened up?

With millions unemployed, 46 millions on food stamps, millions living in tent cities and shelters, millions of American children subsisting below the poverty line and so much miseries and helplessness among them, there is really no light at the end of the American tunnel now. Instead, the United States squandered more than 700 US$billions annually to perpetuate US global Tyranny and invading small helpless sovereign nations.

This is the window of opportunity for the American people to come out in their millions all over the USA to protest, demand and cause rigorous changes in the government and their military. This is their last chance to effect real change!

Americans are now seeing through the lies and disinformation of their government. The time to keep Americans distracted by blaming and scapegoating foreign nations and intensifying their US military adventures and invasions is rapidly coming to an end.

Americans must now begin their revolution and turn their 'American Winter' into a people's war against mismanagement of their economy, corruption, collaboration between White House, US Congress and the US corporate 'elites' and the US military which has run amok globally.

With a militarised political situation in the USA today, it won't be long before the US National guard and the US military will be released to quell the rightful protests and revolution of the American people.

The peoples of the World are empathetic and supportive of nationwide protests throughout the USA. But the American people must now take the bull by the horns and rid their country of the rubbish in the White House, the US Congress and of course the US military.

This would be the Winter of Discontent and Revolution in the United States of America ….!
Oct 7, 2011 at 4:39 AM | Unregistered Commenterhelen
Officialdom's response to the protesters has quickly shifted from ignoring them to comical attempts at sympathy. These protests have them spooked.

At least that reaction reflects SOME level of intelligence, in contrast to the entirely incoherent attempt on CNBC this morning to draw some--any--comparison between the protesters and the tea partiers. Before any coherent thought along these lines could be articulated, however, someone brought up Krugman. Apparently the perfesser had the gall to complain that CNBC worshipped Alan Greenspan throughout his tenure at the Fed. The compelling conclusion derived by the meat puppets through all of this was that there are people out there who come at these issues from different perspectives.
Oct 7, 2011 at 6:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
.....******@ Cheyenne ********...........

I just Fart'ed, and it stinks like a good idea..........I have seen people say on other blogs that the movment should be marching on Washington. On the Goverment........Good Point.........!

It was Goverment, Congress, Shadow Goverment, that made Wall Street do what the Fed. told our goverment to do to the housing Bust..........in 2007-2008-2009...........?

They still need to keep the grip on the 1% becouse thats as close as yr gona get to Hurting the Fed......Wall Street is just the arms n legs of the Fed. The worker Ants at Wall Street, the 1% are just to Stupid to know they are doing the Dirty Bloody work for the Eleit Bankers.......

So we need 10,000 people in Washington with signs that say, "This is Where the Dirty Shit Started".........."Our Goverment told Wall Street to Do It"..........."The Goverment Screwed Us Over-Wall Street did the Dirty Work"........

Our goverment, shadow goverment, has been planning this since the early 1970's..........

And I hear its starting to get dirty. Unlike the EAA in Oshkosh, and the Tea Party, thAre aint a scrap of Nothin on the ground. It would make them look good in the eyes of the people if they picked up after them selfs. They are getting a bad rap becouse some look like their at Woodstock...........

But then I can reamber Madision Wisconsin, and the Pig Pen the union teachers left the place, so maby im just dreamming again.........?
Oct 8, 2011 at 5:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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