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War-Mongering Hypocrite George Bush Hosts Patriot Golf Weekend -- Supporting Military Families (New Bush Video)

Brian Kilmeade appeared live from Waco, Texas Friday morning, where he was golfing with former President George W. Bush.  Kilmeade and Bush came together for the fourth annual Patriot Golf Day, an event that supports the children and spouses of American military men and women killed or disabled in service.  Bush is the Chairman of the event.


Not that often that we get to hear from the former warmonger in chief. 

George W. Bush, who reportedly told Argentinian President Kirchner that war was the engine of the economy, who learned not to be seen golfing while soldiers were dying at the hands of his military-industrial ambition.  This same George Bush now chairs a national golf-charity effort to help the children of those killed by his handiwork. 

Color me disgusted.

At the Daily Bail we are interested in the truth above all else.  We expose the lies and hypocrisy of both parties.  This is NOT a Republican site.  If you don't understand that both parties have driven us to the brink of fiscal insolvency then you are blind to one side.  It's the theme we have covered since day one.  Both parties are corrupt Washington spending machines controlled by K Street lobbying whores, and both parties love war.

In this particular case, the Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Bush lies were fabricated in order to win approval from Congress and the American public.  Without these lies there would have been no invasion.  The war would have remained a Bush family pipedream.  And tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis would still draw breath.

Now a word from Sagebrush:

I believe the George W. Bush presidency will go down in history as an absolute failure of leadership. His administrations manipulation of intelligence and misleading the American People about WMD's and Iraq having ties to Al Qaida. The monstrous deficits resulting for an unprovoked war with Iraq. Allowing the military action in Afghanistan to fail while attacking Iraq to gain control of a major middle eastern oil reserve. Violating the Constitution by wire tapping U.S. Citizens without FISA Court warrant requests, treatment of detainees and torturing prisoners, the incompetent response to Hurricane Katrina, Tax cuts and other policies that accelerated the concentration of wealth and income among the very richest Americans, the total mismanagement of the economic meltdown.

The U.S. has lost much of it's standing with the rest of the world as a result of this dysfunctional Presidency. And working class Americans are losing their futures as a result of it's failures.  It appears that the present Obama Administration is headed down the same dysfunctional pathways and may end up an even bigger, if thats possible, failure, than the G.W. Bush Administration. Time to vote them all out.


DB here.  And since so many of you are reacting with anger without checking the facts, I will bring the Kirchner interview to your front door.

Forget Oliver Stone and politics for a minute, and just watch this clip.  Stone is interviewing former President of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner.  He relates a personal conversation with GW from Monterrey, Mexico in January of 2004.

Anyone needing any more proof regarding the ingrained power of the military-industrial complex is advised to contact the Bushes in Crawford, Texas.  And then call on fellow war-monger Obama in Washington.

President George W. Bush argued in 2004 that the best way to grow the U.S. economy was by waging war, according to former Argentine Prime Minister Néstor Kirchner.

Kirchner, in a meeting with Bush, suggested that the United States replicate the successful nation-building strategy it implemented at the end of World War II.

"And he stood up from his chair and got angry. He told me, 'A Marshall plan! No! That's a crazy idea from the Democrats. What needs to be done here, and the best way to revitalize the economy is -- the United States has grown based on wars,' he told me. That's what he told me," Kirchner recounted.

Bush added, said Kirchner, that "all the economic growth that the U.S. had had, had been based on the different wars it had waged."

Kirchner held a 50-minute meeting in Monterrey, Mexico with Bush in January, 2004.

"War? He said that?" Stone asked Kirchner, who was among a wave of progressive leaders elected in Latin America over the last decade.

"He said that, word for word," Kirchner assured Stone.

Stone followed up: "Is he suggesting that Latin America should go to war?"

No, said Kirchner. "Well, he was talking about the United States, never said South America. That the United States -- that it was a misunderstanding of the Democrats, that all the economic growth that the U.S. had had, had been based on the different wars it had waged."

The Kirchner interview is done through a translator and the subtitles on the screen don't exactly match what Kirchner was saying, but more closely reflect how his comments were being translated at the time. The Huffington Post had three separate native Spanish speakers translate Kirchner's remarks. His comments above are the result of those translations.

If Kirchner is accurately relaying the comments, that would make Bush the highest-ranking public official to state outright that war is and has been good for the American economy.



Video:  Bush is a Jackwagon









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Reader Comments (71)

"Rumsfeld killed Osama in Tora Bora and all Rummy and Bush got was a lot of shit from the left."

Bullshit! Never happened.

"He is a turncoat and an embarrassment. Obama used him like toilet paper."

The only people who used Colin Powell like toilet Paper were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. When they conned him into telling the United Nations Security Council that the Iraqi government had weapons of mass destruction in their possession by giving him faulty cherry picked intelligence.
Sep 5, 2010 at 8:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush

I've now deleted another post from Z where he almost admitted he was wrong and then asked that i show the Thomas Friedman clip so that Pitchfork would know why we entered this war...and guess what Friedman's resoning is that Saddam was a bad guy and the country needed fixing...

Well guess what Z...none of us have ever disputed that fact...yes Saddam was bad...so are dozens of other leaders around the world, whom we didn't attack...i do not dispute this...

But this is not the reason our president told us he was starting the war...he lied...they all lied in order to get the American people and Congress to go along...they fabricated all the evidence...they used Colin Powell...destroyed his reputation over lies...all so Bush could kill the guy who tried to kill his daddy and besides, Bush told Kirchner, war is good for the economy...

You want to know why I have lost respect for you, because you don't care about the tens of thousands of U.S soldiers who have either been killed or forever maimed by Bush's lies...And 2 of my friends are among the dead in Iraq...

The Al Qaeda and WMD lies are the basis for everything that happened after...

and to everyone else (the 7 of you who have sent me emails today) who think that supporting Republicans (ie Bush) is more important while we try to rally the country against Obama and the Democrats...I hate Obama...I rip him to shreds all over this site...but I tell the truth about Republicans as well...

Get used to it....
Sep 5, 2010 at 9:07 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
z...my major complaint with you is you are so driven by obama hate that you get angry when Republicans get criticized...this makes you a hypocrite...if you would accept that both sides are lying scoundrels, then i have no argument with you...

and i'll say it again...i can't stand obama...i write negative stories on him or his presidency about 40 times per month (about 1/4 of the total content)...and i write negative bush stories about once every 2-3 months...but people like you freak out as soon as i write the 1 negative piece against their side...

i hope you are finally getting it...but i doubt it...
Sep 5, 2010 at 11:03 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
“I"ve never seen or heard of GW "brown nosing" Islam or its leaders!”

They all do when we owe them money.

I remember thinking when I first saw a video from President Bush's visit to Saudi Arabia. "Our president went to Saudi and all we got was this sword-dancing video, wow."

When a President meets another head of state like this, usually the two give each other "deliverables," as a way of showing the domestic audiences on each side that both nation's gained something, that the relationship is truly symbiotic.

Bush went to Riyadh with a military equipment deal worth $20 billion. He asked the Saudi king to have his nation produce more oil to lower global prices and help the U.S. avoid a recession.

The Saudis said no.

But they did give the president a sword-dance ceremony, and that is a hell of a deal for 20 billion in military equipment. And why shouldn’t they dance when oil was around $100 a barrel?

“Rumsfeld killed Osama in Tora Bora and all Rummy and Bush got was a lot of shit from the left.”

Rummy killed Osama? I must have missed that, I do remember him being an envoy to Saddam back when he was releasing chemical agents on his own people.

“Is my opinion so threatening?”

You are just boring in your simplicity.

Holy crap! Great posts DB, Sage and Dr. Pitchfork. This is probably the best post you have ever put up to clearly show the ease at which the bankers manifesto has been used to polarize and control the herds. None of the herdists probably remember daddy Bush not wanting Iraq invaded, He was a smart man who excelled in foreign affairs thanks to all those years at the CIA. Bush sr. understood that a power vacuum in Iraq would be exploited by Iran, and now we have gang members being arrested in the U.S. with Farsi (Hezbollah) tattoos thanks to many years of ignored borders. War helping the economy was back in the days before we started importing so much of our military needs, and it is still a poor excuse for a war.

Selective memory is the best tool used to control both sides...

"By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished."

Sep 6, 2010 at 5:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Gomp...my email inbox got 7 responses from herdists like z...everyone of them from someone upset that i was speaking badly about bush...not a single one of these individuals understood the facts...i sent links and an explanation in response...and in return i was told that facts don't matter...classic sheep response...
Sep 6, 2010 at 8:21 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
You know, I can only remember 1 person post a pro Obama post here not to long ago that was pro Obama/ healthcare, and I have seen you post nothing pro Obama. It is a shame that people are so shallow and narrow sighted that they truly believe the shit they spew, and that is why no matter what happens, the dollar will fall, debt will continue to increase, and the herds will continue to point the finger at one another instead of fixing the mess.

The control mechanisms are so simplistic and you could not pay people to see the truth, they will always believe the rhetoric instead because it makes them feel more pure and guiltless about their pathetic participation in our own destruction.

As I stated above, George sr. was not happy, and he was the one that would know best about the issues that the power vacuum would create, not to mention a bunch of Generals that were swiftly retired. You know, it is almost amusing, we spend massive amounts of money, time, and materials equipping and training the greatest military leadership and forces the world has ever seen, and then let a bunch of armchair quarterbacks (politicians, military industrial complex, and Joe blow weebles) screw up the game. If the armchair quarterbacks have their way, the war will never end because the few are reaping fortunes off the backs of the taxpayer, while they destroy a valuable segment of our next generation profiteering. We have not even begun to start paying for this, and Afghanistan could have been won years ago if it was left to the men who knew what to do, to do what was necessary.

Let the herdists defend the blessed ping pong game, it is all they deserve.

Save the sheep you can Steve, the rest will proudly go to market.

Again, great job, and don't let a little mutton get you down. Do you see the manifesto influence?
Sep 6, 2010 at 9:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Absolutely i see the banker's manifesto influence...I see it in everything these days...the blind, clueless herds mimic the words of their false leaders as they fight the other herds who are mimicking their false leaders...meanwhile the country is destroyed, our rights are usurped and very few notice...
Sep 6, 2010 at 9:12 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
And don't worry...i don't get down, just more fired up...most of those complaining don't read the site and haven't a clue that it's in our nature to attack both sides...very few readers are accustomed to a site that attempts to do nothing but tell the truth...they can't grasp the concept...they are weak-minded, feeble and need to be told that they are good and that their opponents are bad....shades of gray don't exist in their world of black and white...and of course, I'm talking about ideas and not race...
Sep 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I like mutton, you like mutton?


It can only be better roasted...
Sep 6, 2010 at 9:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Funny video clip, Gomp.

So, DB, still no proof that you, Col. Kwiatkowski, Lawrence Wilkerson, Paul O'Neill and several hundred million people around the world are wrong about Iraq and WMD?

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Sep 6, 2010 at 11:12 AM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Try it cut up and stewed with tomatoes, diced onions, green chilies, a couple of diced jalapenos, a pinch of cumin,a tiny bit of garlic, and some potatos. Hits the spot on a cold winter day.

Super Posts DB, Dr. Pitchfork, and Gompers. Might even wake up a sheeple or two if they really check out the facts.
Sep 6, 2010 at 11:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
Sep 6, 2010 at 2:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
This is just an opinion…I hope you respect it…

I would understand if Bush got a free ride and the election of Obama opened up the flood gates of hate for Bush for the first time. But that is not what happened. Every day of Bush’s two terms were filled with the same outlandish and unfettered hate that Sarah Palin gets. Then the country was put through a long election where Bush, when it wasn’t Palin, was front and center. On and on and on they went using Bush to put down McCain and ignoring the views, goals and beliefs of Obama. Heck, they didn’t even bother to find out who Obama was and where he came from. The point is that we get it, a lot of people did not like or respect Bush or his team. Bush was supposed to be not smart enough to run a pencil sharpener. It was Cheney and Rove that was the target of the blind furry. So Obama got a free pass to the White House let the vacations, czars and AF1 flyovers commence.

Again, you can insult me, block me, attack me, censor my message and call me names. If what I write is dangerous to your beliefs then so be it.
Sep 6, 2010 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
Um, not only do I respect it, I agree with most of what you said. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've said as much about Obama's free pass.

But that doesn't have anything to do with why Iraq was invaded. And it has everything to do, as you suggest, with why Obama continues to get a free pass on the war in Iraq.

And I'll go you one better. I'd bet even money that Bush's SAT's are higher than Obama's. They may not be, but the mismatch can't be as egregious as the MSM would like you to believe.
Sep 6, 2010 at 4:28 PM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
Just for the record, I am not pro sr. neither, but he was right on Iraq. He was also pro tax, pro deficit, pro debt, and anti gun. Sainthood resides in none of them, they are merely men.
Sep 6, 2010 at 5:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Every day of Bush’s two terms were filled with the same outlandish and unfettered hate that Sarah Palin gets.


Not here and not by me...obama is getting criticized massively now just like bush...i don't see much difference...

More importantly, you use this chip on your shoulder about Bush to freak out whenever i write anything negative about him...you weren't being censored last night...you were being taught a lesson...if you're going to blow up and disagree then make your point and make it succinctly...you HAD NO point to make...you were just pissed off that the truth was being told about the man for whom you get a political erection...
Sep 6, 2010 at 9:30 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
It is not a chip, it is a leftist Bible.

"I am just another student of Saul Alinsky (you say emotional bs, I say rules for radicals or the new rules for republicans) -- you should take a look at the rules."

Gobias Bluth, aka Z

Perhaps you should look at the rules just to see how poorly he uses them. But be careful, if you study your enemy long enough, you become him.
Sep 6, 2010 at 10:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
“He can't have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road.” Unknown (ha, not really)
Sep 6, 2010 at 11:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterZ
Shrub to Welsh singer Charlotte Church:

"So, what state is Wales in?"

Church: "It's a separate country next to England."

Shrub: "Oh. OK."
Sep 7, 2010 at 12:59 AM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
This idiot (Bush) his first words puts himself ahead of the cause (first I like golf ) and put the tournament and its cause secondly.
Sep 8, 2010 at 9:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterAnsy
Excellent point Ansy...nice observation...
Sep 8, 2010 at 10:57 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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