War-Mongering Hypocrite George Bush Hosts Patriot Golf Weekend -- Supporting Military Families (New Bush Video)
Brian Kilmeade appeared live from Waco, Texas Friday morning, where he was golfing with former President George W. Bush. Kilmeade and Bush came together for the fourth annual Patriot Golf Day, an event that supports the children and spouses of American military men and women killed or disabled in service. Bush is the Chairman of the event.
Not that often that we get to hear from the former warmonger in chief.
George W. Bush, who reportedly told Argentinian President Kirchner that war was the engine of the economy, who learned not to be seen golfing while soldiers were dying at the hands of his military-industrial ambition. This same George Bush now chairs a national golf-charity effort to help the children of those killed by his handiwork.
Color me disgusted.
At the Daily Bail we are interested in the truth above all else. We expose the lies and hypocrisy of both parties. This is NOT a Republican site. If you don't understand that both parties have driven us to the brink of fiscal insolvency then you are blind to one side. It's the theme we have covered since day one. Both parties are corrupt Washington spending machines controlled by K Street lobbying whores, and both parties love war.
In this particular case, the Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Bush lies were fabricated in order to win approval from Congress and the American public. Without these lies there would have been no invasion. The war would have remained a Bush family pipedream. And tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis would still draw breath.
Now a word from Sagebrush:
I believe the George W. Bush presidency will go down in history as an absolute failure of leadership. His administrations manipulation of intelligence and misleading the American People about WMD's and Iraq having ties to Al Qaida. The monstrous deficits resulting for an unprovoked war with Iraq. Allowing the military action in Afghanistan to fail while attacking Iraq to gain control of a major middle eastern oil reserve. Violating the Constitution by wire tapping U.S. Citizens without FISA Court warrant requests, treatment of detainees and torturing prisoners, the incompetent response to Hurricane Katrina, Tax cuts and other policies that accelerated the concentration of wealth and income among the very richest Americans, the total mismanagement of the economic meltdown.
The U.S. has lost much of it's standing with the rest of the world as a result of this dysfunctional Presidency. And working class Americans are losing their futures as a result of it's failures. It appears that the present Obama Administration is headed down the same dysfunctional pathways and may end up an even bigger, if thats possible, failure, than the G.W. Bush Administration. Time to vote them all out.
DB here. And since so many of you are reacting with anger without checking the facts, I will bring the Kirchner interview to your front door.
Forget Oliver Stone and politics for a minute, and just watch this clip. Stone is interviewing former President of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner. He relates a personal conversation with GW from Monterrey, Mexico in January of 2004.
Anyone needing any more proof regarding the ingrained power of the military-industrial complex is advised to contact the Bushes in Crawford, Texas. And then call on fellow war-monger Obama in Washington.
President George W. Bush argued in 2004 that the best way to grow the U.S. economy was by waging war, according to former Argentine Prime Minister Néstor Kirchner.
Kirchner, in a meeting with Bush, suggested that the United States replicate the successful nation-building strategy it implemented at the end of World War II.
"And he stood up from his chair and got angry. He told me, 'A Marshall plan! No! That's a crazy idea from the Democrats. What needs to be done here, and the best way to revitalize the economy is -- the United States has grown based on wars,' he told me. That's what he told me," Kirchner recounted.
Bush added, said Kirchner, that "all the economic growth that the U.S. had had, had been based on the different wars it had waged."
Kirchner held a 50-minute meeting in Monterrey, Mexico with Bush in January, 2004.
"War? He said that?" Stone asked Kirchner, who was among a wave of progressive leaders elected in Latin America over the last decade.
"He said that, word for word," Kirchner assured Stone.
Stone followed up: "Is he suggesting that Latin America should go to war?"
No, said Kirchner. "Well, he was talking about the United States, never said South America. That the United States -- that it was a misunderstanding of the Democrats, that all the economic growth that the U.S. had had, had been based on the different wars it had waged."
The Kirchner interview is done through a translator and the subtitles on the screen don't exactly match what Kirchner was saying, but more closely reflect how his comments were being translated at the time. The Huffington Post had three separate native Spanish speakers translate Kirchner's remarks. His comments above are the result of those translations.
If Kirchner is accurately relaying the comments, that would make Bush the highest-ranking public official to state outright that war is and has been good for the American economy.
Video: Bush is a Jackwagon

Updated with the Kirchner video and commentary.
Reader Comments (71)
Nice job on this one, DB.
You are in luck, he has a book coming out soon I think.
The U.S. has lost much of it's standing with the rest of the world as a result of this dysfunctional Presidency. And working class Americans are losing their futures as a result of it's failures.
It appears that the present Obama Administration is headed down the same dysfunctional pathways and may end up an even bigger, if thats possible, failure, than the G.W. Bush Administration. Time to vote them all out.
It's all that hopey changey that is making them cranky.
Our security had nothing to do with these wars...and that gets him labeled a warmonger...and then he raises money for the military families destroyed by war...well as president, he started the wars...
What would you call it...?..i support our troops unconditionally...but i tell the truth about our leaders...bush is and was a disgusting warmonger...the same for Obama...
I'll say it one more time...he told the Artgentinian President that he fought the wars to help our economy...if this does not make you upset, then we don't have the same sense of outrage...
Bush, Obama and Osama Bin Laden thank you for being a sucker in their game. And yes, you hurt America by being such a sucker. It's not your fault per se that Americans have died for lies, but it wouldn't have happened if people like you weren't such gullible suckers. Try to prove me wrong, but you can't.
DB is right. The truth hurts. (BTW, recognizing the truth doesn't mean you have to vote Democrat or think Ted Kennedy is a swell guy.)
The time for debate is over...
And Colin Powell just called to say you were an idiot...
Rumsfeld then interrupted Bush to say "Sir, there are no good targets in Afghanistan. All the good targets are in Iraq."
Now Rumsfeld knew that Al Qaeda had no ties to Iraq, even that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein hated Osama Bin Laden, but that didn't matter to him...oh here's a link...
It must hurt when the facts don't back up your case gobie...
Oh look it's 60 minutes on the truth about Rumsfeld, Cheney Bush and Iraq...
You'll especially enjoy the video...
Z...we invaded Iraq because Bush hated Saddam because Saddam tried to assassinate his daddy and besides, it was good for the economy...look another link...
Please provide a link...and then explain the fake WMD propaganda...
You're a tool of the warmongers, and you possess pathetic intellectual abilities...
And here.
"Though a lifelong conservative, Kwiatkowski found herself appalled as the radical wing of the Bush administration, including her superiors in the Pentagon planning department, bulldozed internal dissent, overlooked its own intelligence and relentlessly pushed for confrontation with Iraq."
And here.
AND I'M STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO RESPOND TO MY QUESTIONS ABOVE...If you're right, then prove it...you've shown nothing so far but proof that Clinton was also an idiot...I am very un-impressed by you so far...
Go ahead, use all your skills...win this argument with me and Pitchfork and Sage...tell us exactly HOW WE"RE WRONG...
I'll be waiting, punk...
Here is two more great reasons...
I've got news for you punk...there are plenty of evil despots around the world...Saddam being one of them...
Losing respect for you by the second...read the links i gave...read what pitchfork posted...and RESPOND to them directly...
And see here.
And I want links showing me Iraq and Saddam had something to do with 911...I'll be waiting....you people picked the wrong day to pick a fight with me over this...i have nothing better to do all night except pound you into oblivion...
Read these links again...
And now the ones from Pitchfork...
You're the worst type of internet troll...you have 3 choices...
Admit you're wrong...
Prove that I am wrong...
Or shut the fuck up...
Prove to me that 911 had an Al Qaeda link to Iraq and Saddam Hussein...as we showed above...ALL of the links demonstrate that instead Rumsfeld/Bush/Cheney/Wolfowitz created FAKE evidence for the Iraqi invasion...that in fact it was their goal from the beginning to manufacture evidence...
This was the reason we were given for the war...so prove it, admit you're wrong or you're deleted every time...