WATCH: Obama Misses 17 Shots In A Row
Brick Obama goes 2 for 22. Check the layup at 1:15.
Video of Obama missing approximately 4 million jump shots today at the White House Easter Egg Roll, while catcalls of 'Brick House' rain from the crowd. Pay special attention to the airball free throw at 58 seconds and air ball layup at 1:15.
Surrounded by kids and members of the NBA's Washington Wizards, President Obama attempted 22 shots from various spots around the court, making exactly two.
More of Obama's athletic prowess:
President Shankapotomos - Watch Obama's Golf Swing
Obama Can't Throw A Baseball - Opening Day Video
Jay Carney makes excuses for Obama at 35 seconds.
Here's a gif of that horrendous missed layup...
Reader Comments (17)
2 for 22? I'd think about killing myself, especially if I had the form of an epileptic surprised by diarrhea. But at least it's better than his legal acumen.!
Is Obama a better hoops player than this guy?
He made two shots. More than George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, Millard Fillmore and John Adams COMBINED!