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Ratigan Op-Ed: Americans Don't Have Jobs, Will Ben Keep His?

Guest Post By MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan

You want to do something about jobs? Well, considering a different Fed Chairman might be a good place to start.

Nothing would more clearly display the inability of our leaders to deal with the disastrous state of our economy than easily reconfirming Ben Bernanke for another round at the Fed on the same day that they hold a "job summit" in a harebrained attempt to try to figure out how to create jobs in this country.

So far in his tenure, Chairman Bernanke has already told us that housing prices won't go down, the subprime market will be "contained", unemployment won't get to 10% and that instead of regulation, those responsible Wall Streeters who used credit derivative swaps could just be trusted to use them "properly". Of course, he thinks this performance should be rewarded with more power and utter secrecy.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, does that make Bernanke crazy for still basing our nation's economic policies on his terrible predictions? Does it make Congress crazy for reconfirming him? Or does it make us crazy for voting these people into office??

Defenders like to point out what a fantastic job Chairman Bernanke has done "rescuing" our economy from supposed CERTAIN DOOM, utilizing his formidable expertise on the Great Depression as his guidance (or cover) for providing an infinite supply of money to our most culpable banks with no strings attached. Dropping the future wealth of America from the sky is a pretty easy way to put out almost any economic fire, but in this case our superstar fireman also happens to be one of the primary arsonists.

So what does Bernanke's failure to be a proper steward of our nation's banks have to with jobs?

Unlike any other business, banks and insurance companies are the only companies that do business with the wealth of others. Banks are also the only business granted a list of special privileges and responsibilities. This was done to encourage banks to take the savings of others and lend it out to American businesses and individuals, with the goal of helping grow new ideas and businesses that serve the current and future needs of society and, in the process, create jobs that help fulfill those needs.

But our banks haven't been serving the interests of the broader economy for quite some time.

Instead of being incentivized by the government to lend money to all the innovators, investors and workers in this country, our banks are either hoarding cash, playing the spread between low interest government loans and higher yields or just flat-out gambling through the giant and ongoing insurance fraud that is the derivatives market.

The Federal Reserve and other government programs are literally pouring a potential $23.7 trillion of taxpayer money into bucket with a giant hole in the bottom and wondering why there are no jobs.

Would you work if you could steal money without consequences? Would you do the hard work of lending money to the small businesses of America if you could just make more gambling it in swap markets of New York and never have to worry about the losses?

This economic model is not geared towards jobs. This is not capitalism. This is not American. This is a crime.

So when the very same government proclaims today at a so-called "jobs summit" that, by golly, they really want to try and come up with some ideas to help you get a job, tell them a good place to start would be to deal with the recent job performance of one of our economy's chief arsonists.

Originally appeared at the Huffington Post


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Reader Comments (6)

The only positive thing I can say about Bernanke is that if the president were forced to replace him, we can count on Obama finding someone far worse.
Dec 5, 2009 at 5:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohn S
ouch...no one could have been worse...missed it all coming...
Dec 6, 2009 at 9:45 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

People in this country don't know how to riot. They are so selfish and wanting in their own self interest would kill their own children to get ahead. No one cares about right and wrong just what's in it for me. No honor among thieves.Emotionless phony robots with empty lives.
Dec 6, 2009 at 11:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
ken. please, just once...not on every board...thank you
Dec 6, 2009 at 2:38 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
only one post repeated......... I hear you @DB
Dec 6, 2009 at 2:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
OBAMA...that's the change we need...FRAUD!!!!!!

PROMISES, PROMISES: A closed meeting on openness
By SHARON THEIMER (AP) – 8 hours ago

WASHINGTON — It's hardly the image of transparency the Obama administration wants to project: A workshop on government openness is closed to the public.
Dec 6, 2009 at 6:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterGobiasBestFriend

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