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GOP Rep Peter King: "We Can’t Allow More Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, Or They Will Win"

Video - Congressman Peter King (R-NY) with Laura Ingraham - Oct. 7, 2011

Runs 1 minute.  The establishment protectors of corporate America and the Wall Street Kleptocracy are growing scared.

  • “It’s really important for us not to give any legitimacy to these people in the streets,” said King on Laura Ingraham’s radio show Friday evening. “I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.”



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Reader Comments (29)

Editor admits to ‘infiltrating’ D.C. protest to undermine ‘Occupy’ movement

Oct 9, 2011 at 6:42 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Who cares about MSM as far as this is concerned? The longer they stay out of it, the smarter the movement becomes. The smart ones will follow anyhow.

Shitheads like Erin Burnett are the jesters in this unfolding drama. They're better off at the kids' table while the smart adults talk about what to do.
Oct 9, 2011 at 7:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Too late, Pete. The genie has left the bottle. You're all going down.
Oct 9, 2011 at 8:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaulie
Haha, at 0.00 to 0.10 he says the media is covering it as a legitimate movement. YOU DUMB FU** im watching CNN now and they have a BULLY show on, as if thats more important, not to say it isnt important on its own, however it doesnt compare and this idiot is trying to make it sound like the news is paying attention, they are not. every time i see the news either they are not covering it or they are making fun of it. i would love to slap the grinn off his fat face, P.S. we will win with or without your shitty media.
Oct 9, 2011 at 9:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterLaMagia
as in the past with corrupt leadership off with the "Kings" head haha
Oct 9, 2011 at 9:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterLaMagia
This made me laugh: “I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.” Yeah, not-Representative King, improving the Civil Rights of African-Americans in this country was such a horrible thing. These Republican bozos in Washington are no longer trying to hide how corrupt they are. They're scared, very scared. 100's of cities in this country are Occupied, and will continue to be so.
Oct 9, 2011 at 9:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterNick
Deregulation of the stock market gave breathing room and opportunity to dirty little rip-offs and turds like Peter King to legitimize theft and embezzlements as standard policy. Babysitting criminals is an insult to humanity. How can you jail and fine people for vending homegrown food for sale and trade and then allow every billionaire in America except two steal their way to the top? Easy for genetic slag and loud-mouthed conmen like Peter King, Prince of Scum.

I was told by a now deceased family friend that stock brokers and pro investors did not commit suicide after their clients found out that the richest investors were told to bail out ,but the less-rich and incidental investors were kept around so the brokers still had someone to collect commissions off. I was not informed about anyone pushing anyone else out a window or shooting anyone. That was left to my own quizzical mind to research for myself. This time, the true nature of the markets and banks is crystal clear on inspection, except for intentional obfuscations, courtesy of congressional leaders like Peter King.

Remember Mom's two big lies, "You are perfect." And, "You are safe'.
Care about your neighbor as you would care about yourself. Wise words.
Oct 9, 2011 at 9:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
Peter is saying "let them eat cake", I say let Peter eat c**k.
Oct 9, 2011 at 9:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterPanamabob
Interview: Michael Whalen on the Future of Media



In the last 12 months, the numbers of distinct users on Hulu.com (in the United States) have outpaced the metered Nielson ratings of all FOUR television networks combined.
Oct 9, 2011 at 10:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Off-topic for this post, but I think of interest to this crowd.

Judge Denies Basic Property Rights and Fuels Outrage:


Basically, a judge in WI has ruled that you don't have the right to eat your own home-grown food. This kind of sh*t boils my blood.


On September 9, Judge Fiedler issued his decision on the motion, stating that the court's August 12 denial of plaintiffs' motion for judgment meant the following:

(1) Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;

(2) Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;

(3) Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;

(4) The Zinniker Plaintiffs' private contract does not fall outside the scope of the States' police power;

(5) Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice;

(6) DATCP [Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection] . . . had jurisdiction to regulate the Zinniker Plaintiffs' conduct.
Oct 9, 2011 at 11:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterETM
Running scared King? Wait, you cant even imagine what this will become. OUR days are numbered? No sir, I thinkYOURS are. You'll be unemployed by next election.
Oct 9, 2011 at 11:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterJim
How do dick heads like this have jobs let alone an "elected position" ?

"'I remember 1960s .." he should have inhaled !
Oct 10, 2011 at 12:58 AM | Unregistered Commentermick
Don't forget the state he represents - New York - home to Wall Street. He has a vested interest in protecting the criminals.
Oct 10, 2011 at 1:23 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Remember folks, New York is the state that allowed the WTCs I,II, and 7 to be loaded with explosives to "insure vertical collapse" in the event of sufficient damage, covered this up, conspired with the murderers of JFK, Jr. and his wife and her sister, conspired in the implementation of 9-11 and the subsequent cover-up, facilitated the massive looting of Wall Street under the guise of deregulation, the Big Apple has a top cop named Tony Baloney who likes to spray mace in the faces of dancing girls concerned and affected by this Wall Street looting. And New York state continues to lie and conspire in the cover-up of the 9-11-2001 mass murder of American civilians by a cabal within the U.S. to this day. Marshall law should begin here and end up at Crawford, Texas. The local U.S. Marshalls can pick up the rest. Or they should get the same, twice over.

Anybody who does not believe the 9-11 info above should quit being so self-obsessed and help out. Nobody is going to harm you if you verify the above for yourselves.
Oct 10, 2011 at 2:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
or they are making fun of it ......now that the Union Thugs have showed up, they do make fun of it by showing the hippi woodstock bunch, and the free condoms in a bowl at the end of the food line.............

800 citys are now holding a movment and it grows by the week....................Yes, in Sconsin, you can no longer eat or drink from the dairy farm..........I say "FY"........MY Cows, My Food..............I would have 13 pump shotguns all around the farm........the Slurry-Store will grind all the Poop put into it...............

Running scared King? ................You Betya they are. This is "Real" and a long time over due................Thank You Sir, your "Hope & Change" is workin better than we thought it would..................Tex !
Oct 11, 2011 at 9:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
“I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.”

Yes Mr. King, tell it like it is. Only Wall Street should shape policy. Is not liking getting robbed really just a left wing thing?

"Basically, a judge in WI has ruled that you don't have the right to eat your own home-grown food. This kind of sh*t boils my blood."

I been dealing with that since the 80's, nothing new.
Oct 11, 2011 at 10:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Hey King Asshole, If the American people has not taken to the streets in the 60's we'd still be in Vietnam.
Oct 13, 2011 at 5:00 PM | Unregistered Commenterj r
The bright light of truth is exposing thousands of cockroaches who have run out of places to hide. The Declaration of Independence commands us to replace our government when it becomes overrun with corruption. It took unfettered access to non-revised history for us to finally see the treachery which is the Federal government, as well as its State and Municipal conspirators. Representative King, along with the other 534 miscreants in WDC, now clearly sees that it is only time separating them from their positions of "authority". For their power is imagined, unsupported by law or the secular credos of humanity. The control these charlatans have over anyone is only perceived authority. Their power structure is a latticework of toothpicks based on a single failing product, the Federal Reserve Note.
Oct 14, 2011 at 10:24 PM | Unregistered Commenteramicusbriefs
Civilians, citizens, shaped policy. What's wrong with that? Molesters and sneak thieves rule your life there Perry? Do you have to beat your wife and kids into submission before you 'prove yourself'?
Oct 14, 2011 at 10:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
Yet Mr. King was fine with the IRA and that Movement in the 80s.Even to the point of going over to Ireland and meeting members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army.Yet when change is being talked about here he is dead set against it.Do the USA a favor Mr. King and move your A.. back there then.
Oct 15, 2011 at 12:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterS.W.P.
I bet ole Pete didnt say the same thing about the Egypt protests, or the Libyan protests.
Oct 15, 2011 at 12:38 AM | Unregistered Commenterrandall
This IS the SAME reprehensible sorry representitive caught on tape in 2004 at some upstate N.Y. garden party skiting that the upcoming 2004 presidential election had already been decided and that "we (the rethuglians) won". and later, " It's about who counts the votes" ??? . . . I'm sure it's the same corrupt piece of shit and he's now FULLY EXPOSED as one of wall st.'s whores.

It's fucks like him that need to be first against the wall if the bullets start flying. . . and if that don't happen he's gotta be right up there in terms of prosecutions.
Oct 15, 2011 at 3:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterChris in ChCh
This coward was a DRAFT DODGER. The National Guard was DRAFT DODGING in those days, ity was a monthly drink fest.
The National Guard was how you PRETENDED to care, but avoided ANY chance of going to Viet Nam
Oct 15, 2011 at 6:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterWilliam
"Hey King Asshole, If the American people has not taken to the streets in the 60's we'd still be in Vietnam. "

Bingo. If I didn't know anything else about this crapweasel, the fact alone that he was on that c**t's show would cinch it for me.
Oct 15, 2011 at 10:17 AM | Unregistered CommenterBig M
This evil, corrupt rat bastard has been committing treason with his position in Congress for decades and getttgin away with it. Clearly, if you know anything about this rodent,, you know that he takes his marching orders direct from Tel Aviv via AIPAC.

His theme song: Bleating about how Apartheid Israel should get more of our money to repress and trample the rights of the Palestinians. Why? Because they dare use their own bodies to resist their oppressors. This feckless whore has never met a Zionist Racist Criminal and his money that he didn't have his knee pads at the ready for while doing everything he can to ensure more terrorists are created to get revenge on us for allowing vermin like himself to write blank checks to Israel. Meanwhile, his record of sucking up to IRA Bombers is well documented. This guy is a poster boy for everything that is foul and degenerate in our political system.
Oct 15, 2011 at 10:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterD Christie
The lame-stream media is irrelevant. We should all stop feeding at the corporate propaganda troughs. If Gitmo must remain open, why not send the traitors of Wall Street who have destroyed the economy there? They are terrorists as well as criminals on a vast scale. In fact, war for profit surely is a crime against humanity. End the wars! End the Federal Reserve! Arrest the criminals!!!
Oct 15, 2011 at 11:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterRafael
People sould realize that this kind of Manufactored Consensusess, like the use of "loaded" words like Left wing and Commies.
This kind of MSM manufactoring and poltical consensus, like the "munaitarian interventions".Realitys twisted to a degree that even orinary peole are waking up, even to the ongoing fight in Libya.
We have been in dreemland for decades and when the bill ariwes, we see what it costs to run a empire.

Lett the show them self for what they are, corrupt and liying bastards, no more or less. And people wil learn form this.
The best thing is that its stil going on, and they sould have all the credit for that, aldoe there are tendency to fractioning opinions and individiuals. Thats done by people that has forgotten the bottom line, to make the perpetrators of this economic catasrofe pay, thats the bottom line. And we all have our own opinions and not everybody agrees, as it sould be in a Democracy.
Anything els is sheer hypocracy.
And I see that as ommaturety and a invillingness to confront eatch other, differens opinions are not the same as a enemy.
I have freind that dont agree or does tings I dont fully apriciate, but we are freinds.
Like a famliy.
Grow up.

The longer the #OWS is alive and kicking, the bigger the ripples wil be. Thats their biggest concern, that everybody learns what really happened.

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

amen to that
Oct 15, 2011 at 2:28 PM | Unregistered Commentermikael
Anybody want to find a way to legally wager if Obummer has had a lobotomy?
Oct 15, 2011 at 2:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
Pete King so-called chair man of homeland security sold out his position and the american people by harboring the sept 11 lie for his own political career advancements. Cock Sucker.
Mar 16, 2012 at 12:01 AM | Unregistered CommenterPete King Sucks

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